They are not in control of me. I am not under their rules,.
At This Point In Time Would You Ever Subject Yourself To A Judicial Committee?
by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends
Still Totally ADD
No. It would be like working for a company where you get hurt everytime you go to work. You finally leave and after serveral years the company call you to come back so they can hurt you some more. So No, No, and No. I don't want to be hurt anymore. Thanks but No Thanks. Still Totally ADD
Im not sure. Im 75% sure I will be grilled at some point. If I agreed, It would only be so my wife could see how unjust things are when they DF me for not believing in a literal 144,000 Generation teaching, Noahs flood, 1914 etc. It would be for a purpose. If I go, I will record it. On the other hand, I may just refuse to give them any ammo and decline any attempts to talk. But really I want out, and since I have not gone in FS in 5 months and once in the past 9 months its only a matter of time before things come to a head.
U r on the radar
Nope. I don't owe them an explanation. I don't have any fear of engaging, but I have more important things to do with my time. Books to read, quilts to finish, bourbon to drink, there's probably something on TV that needs watching...
Nope. No way :)
It seems laughable now the even idea that you would ever subject yourself to any kind of judgement by local elders. They are just a bunch of guys, usually slight misfits and underachievers.
What do they know that you don't? Why do people imagine their opinions count for anything?
Afrikanman - "...I replied requesting the subject matter to be discussed and was told that this would only be 'a visit for encouragement' [Spouse and I totally faded out 12mths now] [This was the first ever communication in all that time too]..."
Ten bucks says he wanted to figure out if you'd faded 'cause you learned the TATT (i.e. had become an "apostate"); and if so, would DF you to make sure nobody talked to you.
Some BOEs sure do love a good witchhunt.
They lie to you about what they know, what will happen, and it is just one of you to 3 of them with no proof or anyone to represent you.
an intensive effort to discover and expose disloyalty, subversion, dishonesty, or the like, usually based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence.