At This Point In Time Would You Ever Subject Yourself To A Judicial Committee?
by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends
Yup, I agree. They have no control over us in any way. I am not subject to their rules.
I would go.. so that I could have a sweet YouTube video to upload.. *Secret Recording Spy Pen*
I would totally have left the JWs differently if it happened today. I voluntarily went to the elders & set up a meeting to tell them I didn't want to be a Jdumb anymore, boy was I the dumb one!!! They treated me like dog doo doo and made me enter the back door of the Kingdumbhell, shutting the door in my face when I tried to enter the first time cuz they were busy listening to someone else's confession story. I had to wait in the dark in the bushes until they were ready for me. How totally messed up is that? I wouldn't allow myself to get treated that way now, I have way more self respect & self esteem than I did back then.
I'm not sure. On one hand, I think so, just so they can show their true colors. On the other hand, what a waste of time.
NO!!! Still in but never would
Well i declined going to my JC cause i felt they had no authority over me what so ever but they DAed me anyways(and without the decency to inform me they were even making the announcement) so if i could go back and do it all over again i would meet with them and have my so called "day in court" just so i could given them a piece of my mind and lay bare their corruptness!
I still have 2 sisters in and as far as I know I've never been DA'ed/DF'ed in my long abscence. And I wouldn't want to change my relationship (such as it is) with them.
That being said, what the heck? I like debating JWs.
One of the most liberating times I had was when I was pretending to be an "interested person" where I live (they don't know I used to be a JW elsewhere). I was debating a JW elder over 1914. And telling him quite frankly to his face that he wasn't making sense and insinuating to him that he wasn't too bright. As a JW, I would have never gotten away with that. As an "interested person", I could. It was awesome!
So I think actually facing them with a new attitude of "you have no authority over me" would be very theraputic.
I'd approach it like any other time they visited me. Let them show me proof I did anything wrong and admit to nothing.