it didn't worry me as i thought an angel was directing the work from midheaven
Be effective or people will die
by Odrade 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I used to have nightmares and sleep paralysis. One nightmare involved me being totally alone and in total darkness. Then a small light grew, revealing that I was on a precipice. The small light became an Angel. It approached me and peered through me. I was receiving my judgment. The beautiful Angel turned into the Angel of Death. I had been judged.
Yep, being a dub will F**K you up.
Interestingly, I am at the CA today. One of the parts is about inactive ones. A total 180 degree view has been presented in contradiction to Anthony Morris III's rant about "inactive" ones and those rightly disposed for life. Who are the NOW?!?!? JWs cannot say? STFU and be blessed!
DATA, you're at the CA??!!! WHY the F would you do that to yourself man? blech.
I've just been poking around the boards again this week, so I don't know what ol' Tony has been saying about the "inactive," but I can imagine. The man's an ass. So at this CA, are they being less or more strident against the inactive?
You know, I swear that their current doctrine all depends on which GB idiot's secretary wrote that particular manuscript. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of consensus in some of these ideas.Some days I feel like I should make it easy for them and have a goat tattooed on my arm.
Love how you write ~ and that you've carved out a container for your creative expression.
I'm a "fader", so I'm fading. That means I have certain circumstances that make it very difficult for me to leave. So...I had to sit through the boring as hell CA.
In answer to your question about "inactive" ones, the tone was pretty mild. There was no talk of Jeehoober killing anyone except bad people. Who are they? No one really knows. O'l TOMO ( Tony Morris III) was marking inactive ones for death at the Branch Meeting.
I had a crazy JW nightmare last night. I woke up and said, "Skeeter, that didn't make any sense." I went back to sleep and woke to a new day. I can't remember the dream, but FSU won today. So, all is right with the world.
The WT uses the house-to-house work as a means to gauge member spirituality. How nonsensical is that? I don't recall any biblical scriptures citing examples of keeping track and organizing congregational meetings. Didn't Paul travel from congregation to congregation not answering to any governing body?
If Jehovah knows the state of people's hearts and know whether they will indeed listen and blossom, why are we required to cover the entire world territory guided by spirit beings in order to find these people that are inclined to listen?
Just doesn't make any sense and I now realize that the WT uses it as a means to "promote" spiritual men.
The reason most of us are here is because we have, at one time or another, shared your same feelings/uncertainties. Truth is; WE can't save anyone. If there is a god, that's his responsibility. We're just imperfect, sinful, weak humans, his helpless children, right?
Think of the fable of Noah. Who did he save? Animals, that's who he saved. The SPCA is proud of him. He may have been a good ark builder (yea right), but he was a very ineffective preacher!
All those years of preaching and only his own little cult of 8 survived! lol But he was busy all those years doing the "lord's" work which was the important thing right?
Even if you actually killed someone, remember the fable of King David---the adulterer! God forgives blood guilt, or at least he should since the bible is full of accounts where he, god, spilled the blood of thousands of innocent humans.
just saying!
(1 Corinthians 3:5-9) 5 What, then, is A·pol ′ los? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom YOU became believers, even as the Lord granted each one.6 I planted, A·pol ′ los watered, but God kept making [it] grow; 7 so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes [it] grow.
(Luke 19:40) 40 But in reply he said: “I tell YOU, If these remained silent, the stones would cry out.”
Perfect examples of how the WTS talks out of both sides of their mouths.
This use of guilt and shame is all about compliance and falling in line with the rest of the herd.
Contolling and abusive people use Fear, Obligation and Guilt as tools to control their victims.