How could you justify that God killed all firstborn children in Egypt?

by Mr Fool 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legacy

    @ Cold Steel....& Everyone else...

    Wow, so well written & so true. If one were to read the bible...& not listen to man...they would see why all this happened...God gives warnings...just like us today, we get we listen...NOPE....our parents tell us...there is a wall there, be careful...& we keep right on walking...boom...right into the wall we go...I believe in God...there is so much evidence that there for me...the Rainbow....God said that was his convenant to us...& still today we see it...God is the good inside us....if we choose to do it. God was making a point...he had warned them before...yet, they didn't listen...

    Folks say...Pharoah's heart was hardened...well, remember this song by...Oh I forget the goup....but one of the lines was...The Oz didn't give nothing to the tin man, that he didn't already Pharoah's heart was hard all along, God just allowed it to do what it already was the real miracle would be if he turned away from his hardened will...behind most sin is selfishness...Don't get mad at God, get mad at man...Today we read God's word, back then...they heard is voice...he promised so many things...God is a good God, but even he has a limit...I know nobody on this site or in this world, has the patience of God...if we were God, the bible would have ended in the first chapter...God sees & knows all...we only know a tiny bit...we are quick to anger, to speak & to act....when the fruitage of the spirit is squeezed....what comes out of us...hate, anger, harsh words, no patience....

    God only wanted a peaceful earth...he didn't force it on us...he was just like our parents...hoping we would choose to be it's us that let him down, not the other way around...Faith & Hope....that's all we have...that was the original plan...that Adam & Eve would have put faith in God...& it would have turned out ok...


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Legacy:

    Your littany fails to answer the question in the OP.

    If Pharoah's heart was hard, why did god then kill infants as a "justified" response?

    Or do you find it acceptable when a thug abuses and kills innocent bystanders?

  • Finkelstein

    Murdering those innocent children in Egypt is nothing to what he did during Noah's flood,

    there he murdered all living human beings innocent or not, accept for one family.

    Apparently he did so to cleanse the earth of sin and wickedness, the only problem was is that he forgot

    about the inherent sin from Adam to all of his descendants which included Noah's family, so the world

    returned to being sinful and wicked, just like it was before the flood

    Maybe it's because as they say he's getting on, cantankerous, forgetful, prone to lash out emotionally

    yep that sounds like a guy who's showing signs of old age.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I'll put my 2 cents in.

    I have been trying to make sense of God and life for 62 years now.

    We all owe God one death.

    If there is no God than we don't owe him a death and if there is no God the first born in Egypt were

    not killed.

    There is a lot of evidence there is a God.

    And a lot of evidence there was a flood.

    But in the end it seems to balance 50/50 so we have to have faith one way or the other God or no God.

    That seems to be the great controversy of life God or no God.

    As far as people being destroyed in the flood of Noahs day the bible and history talk about the Nephalim.

    The Nephalim were fallen angels.

    And their coming to earth brought about all the violence.

    God had the flood it appears for more than one reason to destroy the Nephalim and curtail the violence so that

    humans could survive and to speed things up or slow them down depending on your point of view.

    Before the flood man lived hundreds of years Methusalah was in his 900's.

    The flood brought about atmospheric changes to earth changing the lifespans and sizes of creatures.

    None of this was a suprise to God. It was a plan. God knows the end from the begining.

    So sit back and enjoy the ride.

    I have known about the atmosperic changes since I was a little boy back in the 50's.

    Today there are videos explaining them.

    This fellow, Trey Smith, has the God progect with lots of information explaining the Flood, the nephalim and

    climate changes due to the flood.

    They are long videos. It takes time to get the information into your brain

    or it takes time to reactivate the information that is already there.

  • Legacy


    It's all done to show God's do I, but it is a bigger picture...again, he did warn them...don't think I'm happy that Jehovah killed children....but I do know, that when my Mom told me or warned me...the next step was punishment....There are so many unexplained events in the bible..for instance....why do we have to suffer for what Adam & Eve did....if you were mad at your friend, should you take it out on the rest of their family...well, if you read the bible...NO....but God can & did...I don't pretend to have the answer & it troubles me to know he killed innocent kids...but if I believe in God, then I know it was a purpose behind it & if I don't believe in God, then to kill innocent comment...

    God doesn't have to justify anything....if he truly exist. I think all he wants to do is to have clean worship by any means necessary....I'm not cruel & sometimes don't agree with God....but he did what he did...& we can't turn back the hands of time....we can choose to believe or not....I believe in God & that's it...his ways...NOT...


  • Finkelstein

    I have been trying to make sense of God and life for 62 years now.

    Sounds like you still need some work to understand why the ancient Hebrews made up stories about their own specific god. (YHWH)

    As to your assertion that there is plenty of evidence to show there is a god, no human being has ever presented any evidence that a supernatural being exists.


    There is no evidence that exists on earth that supports that there was once a global flood.(water) no (ice) yes or from geoloical studies or even feasible from a biological perspective

    ..... and believing the stories of the ancient Hebrews is not practical evidence..


    There is no evidence from archaeological findings that at one time humans lived over 100 years of a life span, from again archaeological findings unless you believe the stories of the Hebrews

    ....... in reality the ancients didn't log their birthdays

    Your suggestion that Noah's flood caused dramatic changes to the earth's atmosphere is ridiculous and laughable, again where is the evidence ?

    One thing where there is solid evidence, is that you don't believe in education, that is perfectly clear and recognized.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The evidence that there is a God presented by humans and science and interpreted or missinterpreted

    by individuals.

    Is that we are here against all mathematical odds.

    And that this earth is inhabitable against all mathematical odds.

    The earth is presicse if it were closer or father or angled differntly we would not be here.

    You know deep down that things don't come from nothing.

    We came from God who is outside of our universe and understanding.

    One thing where there is solid evidence, is that you don't believe in education, that is perfectly clear and recognized.

    I have hundreds of books. Many of my books are pro and con on the subject.

    And I have been to college and certified to teach.

    You are very gullible and unable to interpret what you see.

    If you watched the videos I posted you would not ask where is the evidence.

    You blew your load when you attacked me.

    I take that as you have nothing and you are throwing in the towel.

    In this post the real only thing I am doing is exposing people to Trey Smiths videos.

    Finklestien you have to be an ignoramous to read my above post and interpret that I am against education.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes I watched that video put out by that non paleontologist religious nutter, all he showed was deformed skulls which were by width

    dimensions would have come from a human being the same size as humans living today.

    If these skulls were dimensionally larger as to width and volume, it would support the assertion that

    they came from humanoids that were dimensionally taller and larger.

    For example look at the volumetric size of the skulls of known abnormally large people living today or in the past and what do you see ?


    As for the story of supernatural beings coming to earth and transforming themselves into human like creatures or animal like creatures

    is not unique to the ancient civilization of the Hebrews .

    There are other such stories from many diverse ancient mythologies.

  • redvip2000

    (Ezekiel 18:20) 20 The soul that is sinning—it itself will die. A son himself will bear nothing because of the error of the father, and a father himself will bear nothing because of the error of the son. . . .

    Well folks, this is good news indeed. It seems that not only 7 million people will survive the big A. Since about 25% of the world's population is under 15 years old, as they are children they should not be accountable. This means that at least 1.75 Billion people will also survive.

    Oh what joy it must be to have 1.75 billion children dropped on your lap to take care of. The regional building teams will be working non stop building day care centers. This means that each JW will need to adopt 2.5 children. If the typical JW family is made of 3 people, then each family will need to adopt 7 additional children. Oh what joy. As the supermarkets become empty of food left by worldy people, JW families will be hard at work planting potatoes and onions in their backyards. What joyfull times..

  • Finkelstein

    Something to consider on the probability factor to life on earth as it exists, to the chance of life on other planets in the universe.

    With at least 200 billion galaxies out there (and possibly even more), we’re very likely talking about a Universe filled with around

    10 24 planets, or, for those of you who like it written out, around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe.

    I would relate that sum to the possibility of life on other planets quite likely.


    As for the chance of humans evolving to the state of which we appear today, realizing that cells can evolve to organisms and organisms can

    evolve into animals.

    The diversification of all living creatures on this planet supports the position of biological evolution and we can actually see

    physical evidence of that evolutionary process in species living today.

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