Joined 11/29/2002

by lisavegas420 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    Yep, I joined 12 years ago today. Just thought I'd do a drive by and a shout out.

    I'm still happy to be free. I have no regrets for leaving the JW's. Everything I have now I would not have if I had stayed.
    I'm still happily married. Yesterday we celebrated our 23rd anniversary of our first date. Both of my children live three miles from us and we have a very close relationship. My oldest granddaughter was accepted into the college of her choice and offered a $64,000.00 acedemic scholarship. She's super smart.

    The JW's don't come to my house anymore. The last few times someone stuck a brochure in our door without knocking or ringing the door bell.

    I'm still shunned by my parents and siblings. Twenty five plus years. They do not know my husband, children or three grandchildren.

    Earlier this year I got a message from a non-JW relative that my mom had a FB account. I found her and sent her a friend request. It was denied, but she didn't block me. Maybe so she could still stalk my wall? I don't know, but now I make sure to leave some posts and pictures public so she can see them. Giving them something to talk about.

    I don't miss them, I miss what could have been.

    Wishing each one of you a life-time of good memories and I hope you all have loved ones in your life to surround yourself with.


  • cantleave

    Hi there Lisa. Freedom is great isn't it.....

  • Listener

    Nice to hear from you Lisa. It's lovely to hear how happy you are with your family life, your mother is obviously missing out on a lot.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Thanks for sharing that upbeat and positive message and it's great to see that you are enjoying life.

    If your parents and siblings ever awaken, they will feel bad about the way they have treated you, but hopefully you can forgive the past and celebrate the (real) Truth.........or rather TTATT.


    The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!

  • lisavegas420

    Thank you.

    Interestingly enough...I got a message this week from a non-JW relative. She said my dad had a stroke and was in the hospital. She said he was very depressed and kept talking about the "old days" and wanting to "go home". She said he seems confused. I'm wondering what he means by "old days" and what he means by "go home". He became a JW when he was 29 years old. He is now 82 years old.

    He has been an elder way back when they first started the elder arrangement. But then lost his position. It was blamed on me but even after I left home he was never an elder again.

    He told me I was dead to him. Him and my mom didn't want to get attached to my children since they were going to die at armageddon.

    If he's looking back over his life, I'm sure there are alot of things he deeply regrets. It is very sad.

    All I can really do, is not make the same mistakes he made.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    And they say they dont break up families, stupid f'ing cult.

    Glad you broke free and got on with your life.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    I cannot imagine missing out on grandkids and great-grands too - for what? For nothing!


  • GrreatTeacher

    Congratulations on 23 years with your husband. That deserves celebration.

  • Oubliette

    Congrats for all the good things in your life. It's too bad your JW family is missing out.

    Everyone loses when you're a JW.

  • Honesty

    Think about all the good people you have met and the good relationships you have made since leaving satan's cult.

    The cult members who have shunned and talked bad about you and your loved ones don't deserve you.

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