college education=spiritual weakness?

by twvsnt 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • enricofrassinetti

    I brothers
    I am italian member of governing body disassociated.
    Have somethink brother that speak in italian?
    I want to comunicate a message from Italy.
    Please contact me to this address [email protected] or [email protected]

  • twvsnt

    Thanks for all the encouragment I've recieved I'll post a reply to each of you later. Thanks again!!

  • twvsnt

    With all that I've gone through, even though your comment was last on this thread it was just as encouraging so don't feel that you was 'somewhat' adding to what every has said thus far. I agree about what you said about the world 'not ending tomorrow' I mean it sure enough didn't end in 1975! Even though I expect to be confronted by difficult witnesses when I finally do pioneer at least I won't be at their mercy as well because I plan to leave this congregation when I start pioneering .I hope you're able to have a decent retirement.

    It's funny you mentioned marriage because a sister suggested that I get married so that I could pioneer. But I wasn't going to have none of that! After growing up with a dad who verbally and physically abused my mom, seeing how vindictive even the brothers could be, and hearing from sisters how some of the brothers weren't good husbands to them, I didn't feel comfortable with marrying for economic stabilty with a depressing husband. I don't have a therapist but I don't have a few supportive sisters giving me the strength to make it through this situation. It's great that your kids have a supportive mom like you that understands and I hope your middle son does well in school.

    You're right naysayers don't know my situation and I don't even bother to explain to them. That's why I pray to Jehovah to help me with school, help me to deal with the other JW and help me to reach my spiritual goals.

    You're right education is never view as bad in the bible, as a matter of fact if Timothy speaks of supporting member of your household how in the world can you do that without a job that will support you financially.

    THanks for your encouraging comment, it was just as encouraging as the circuit assembly I attended this weekend. On the platform there were some sisters relating some experiences. They are going to college
    full time and pioneering full time as well. One of the sisters mentioned how when she graduated from high school if she was going to make pioneering a full-time job she would have to be able to support herself (when she said that I started to tear a little and nodding my head because all in that assembly got to her from a young sister that she want to be able to support herself in THESE TIMES!!!). But then I began to think about that Watchtower article a few years ago that also allowed for ones to go to college and how the friends was insistent on giving me a hard time as if they were encouraging.

    One of my relatives just bought a car and told me I could use it to go to the meetings (as a matter of fact she's the only one who doesn't give me a hard time for being a JW). So when ever she doesn't come home her usual time I call 2 other sisters. One attends the same bookstudy I attend and the other goes to the same thursday night meeting and I get a ride from them. So far things are okay for now......AS for speaking to the elder about the rides he know because he specifically gave a talk on helping the friends getting rided to and from the meetings and I doubt this talk had an impact on anyone. If anything when he gave that talk I thought 'thank you Jehovah' but then again it was a week before the circuit overseer was going to visit our congregation then I thought 'how convieneint if was for the elders to prepare to give the appearance that the friends are loving.....'

    you're right you get respect when you pioneer but I seriously doubt that I'll come across more loving friends. There are always a few genuine, humble ones in each congregation and those are the ones I alway make sure I stick close to.

    I won't let them put me off if anything the more they give me a hard time the harder I study!!I hope your wife does well in her studies.

  • Simon

    Thanks, she's really enjoying what she's learning and is doing really well. She has gone to college tonight for a tutorial.

  • ikhandi

    I totally feel you on this one. I was told my countless friends in my cong "Don't forget your creator in your youth pioneering is the way to go" Some even seemed disappointed in my decison not to pioneer after high school. I ignored their criticism and did what was right for me. In my heart I always had that pioneer spirit so I did both. I went to college and pioneered at the same time. It was very hard, but looking back now I am more educated than I probably would have ever been if I didn't go to school. You have to do what is right for you and noone else. The wts doesn't pay your bills or rent. You have to provide a life for yourself. Follow your heart


  • Paradiselost

    I'm attending college right now, not just for a future job, but for an education. I find college mentally challenging and stimulating. It has really helped me grow as a person and grow out of the truth. I hope you don't allow a narrow-minded organization and its narrow-minded members run your life. Do what's best for you.

  • RubyTuesday

    To this day I regret not getting a formal education, I will always resent the cult for this.

    I love this quote by Sydney Harris;

    Most people are mirrors, reflecting the moods and emotions of the times; few are windows, bringing light to bear on the dark corners where troubles fester. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

  • Maverick

    I did a threat a while back on the WatchTower and higher education. In todays world having a high school level education will severely limit your ability to support yourself. Not only will college better equip you to deal with the world, you will meet people who can help you when you finish. These 'contacts' have the potential to assist you as much as the knowledge you will acquire. It's a big world out there, go for it. The only real losers are those who don't get in the game! Maverick, in school for life!

  • Nadsam

    I was a pioneer, bethalite & MS in the 70's - early 90's . I bought into the whole no education bull. Had a crappy car and was perpetually broke. Come weekend..well at least there was FS and hall. Then I said no ma'am ! I got out, got a degree, a six figure income, BEEmer, house with a pool....and a life !

    What I did realize was that those that didn't get a formal education at that time (mid 70,s-90's's) are today middle aged, some still living at home with mommy and daddy , still as broke as hell ...are they happy? or just crazy people !

    Ignore those idiots who tell you studying is evil. Didn't they used to tell that to slaves in the middle ages who wanted to learn to read and write!

  • Nocturne

    hey twvsnt,

    First off welcome to the board! You will definitely find open minded people here. However since you enjoy being a JW, I would just like to say that most people here are no longer JW.

    I understand exactly what your going through with the attitude you get from some of the people in your congregation. I'm currently enrolled into an undergraduate program, and when I first started, I got alot of attitude from other people in my congregation. Even during a talk, and elder warned of the dangers of a college education saying pretty much the things people have said about're materialistic, you're not putting Jehovah first etc... He also went on to say that those who do ignore the wts' suggestion about college education either quit being a JW, or they end up being so spiritually weak by the time they finish.

    I don't regret the decision I took to get an education, and I encourage you to continue with your education. It's a great life experience, that many who are/were JW never got, so don't throw that away because of what a couple of people in the congregation say. Just ignore those type of people who like putting others down because you don't do as they please, but in the end make sure you do whatever is right for you.


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