Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis

by cofty 60 Replies latest social current

  • KateWild

    Pat Condell is just another extremeist athiest fundamentalist, in this video he is making absurd claims about what you will get arrested for here in the uk, but he is not actually adressing the issues of social workers and the flaws in the whole sytem.

    There is a real problem and Pat Condell is clouding the real issues with his fundamentalist clap trap.

    Kate xx

  • LoveUniHateExams

    This has nothing to do with being scared to report Muslims - then you need to explain why British-Pakistani men were so over-represented in the Rotherham case.

  • KateWild


    No I don't need to do anything you tell me to do, you need to have an open mind there are scandals about social workers all over the press this is a big problem and Pat Codwell is diluting the issues, it's not about race at all it's about abuse of power.

    Here is an example you need to read this and do more research.

    Kate xx

  • 88JM

    If you really want to put on the "tinfoil hat", there are some who believe there is (or was) a paedophile ring even in the top levels of government - abuse of power may start at the top.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I'm not telling you to do anything, Kate.

    If the Rotherham child abuse case is nothing to do with authorities being scared to report muslims then another explanation becomes neccessary if one considers the massive over-representation of British-Pakistani muslim men.

    Of couse it's not about race - more likely, it's about the failings of multiculturalism.

  • KateWild


    You're not looking at the bigger picture. I have personal experience of what goes on in court with regard to the guilty party having the social workers backing, the courts backing and good legal representation. It's about their system, there are flaws in it. You have no idea what happened to my son and daughter at the hands of my ex and how SWs dealt with it. It had nothing to do with race. My experience is more valuable than anything you say. I know what the system is like and it's about abuse of power.

    You have no idea what happened in court anywhere because you have never experienced or witnessed the court case. Social workers break up families and cause emotional harm and put children at risk of physical harm and abuse regardles of race. This to me is not a race issue and those that persist in saying it is are just diluting the problems with social workers today.

    It's not just about one case LUHE, widen your knowledge base and look at all the media reports, not just one fundamentalist athiest talking nonsense.

    Kate xx

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Kate - I agree with you that child abuse in general is a big problem and the flaws of the social services, care homes should be sorted out immediately.

    Of couse it's not about race - more likely, it's about the failings of multiculturalism - LUHE

    It had nothing to do with race - Kate

    Sorry, what's confusing you?

    Abuse of white girls by muslim men has been repeated in other cities, too. Do you agree that this is noteworthy?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Sorry, Kate, I just realised it had nothing to do with race concerns what happened to you and yours. I apologise for any offence caused by my misunderstanding..

    Nevertheless, is the fact that the overwhelming majority of abusers in the Rotherham case were 'British minority ethnics' noteworthy at all?

  • KateWild

    Nevertheless, is the fact that the overwhelming majority of abusers in the Rotherham case were 'British minority ethnics' noteworthy at all?-LUHE

    No it's not noteworthy, it's diluting the issue, it's just one case. What is happening to me and my family is noteworthy and my ex is a British white JW, is that noteworthy to you?

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    Of couse it's not about race - more likely, it's about the failings of multiculturalism - LUHE

    It had nothing to do with race - Kate

    All semantiics, it's not about race or multiculturalism, your diluting the problem LUHE, it's about abuse of power by social workers and the court system that they always go along with social workers. Social workers have abused my family too, and you don't seem to care about that.

    Kate xx

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