Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis

by cofty 60 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    This has nothing to do with being scared to report Muslims - KateW

    I am certain the inquest will prove you wrong. It had everything to do with it.

  • FadeToBlack

    Just curious.... Are the people investigating this in the UK afraid of being labeled racists, or are they just afraid of Muslims in general (as in getting your head chopped off)?

  • cofty

    The former.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    A fair question, FadeToBlack, but if by 'people investigating this' you mean the establishment - police, judges, politicians - then surely the former.

    It will no doubt be ordinary people like me and you who run the risk of decapitation.

    They're scared of being called 'waaaycists'

  • FadeToBlack

    Ok. Thanks for clearing that up. Uk could be a pretty cool place with all the diversity but it seems that there is in fact, some benefit to living in a predominantly white, Catholic country (Poland). I just need to make sure that all the neighbors know I am no longer a JW because when we first got here, I was. And they knew it.

  • freddo

    What is good to see is that these (predominiantly reported as being Asian Muslim) rape/abuse gangs are now finally being convicted. I believe the tide is turning on this one - not a month goes by and some gang is brought to book in the UK. The common theme seems to be that up until about 2011 these cases were unheard of/unreported. And I believe a twisted political correctness was behind it.

    Social Workers - I have had experience of them in my extended family. Not impressed frankly.

  • Ruby456

    LUHE, cofty

    I agree that multiculturalism needs to be discussed but i think what needs to be highlighted more than anything else is the patriarchal aspect of Pakistani heritage groups because patriarchal community leaders acted as barriers to the truth coming out and this particularly prevented asian girls who were also abused from coming forward and still does. This is part of the reason why it seems that only poor white girls from care homes were abused.

    Pakistani heritage men and women are campaigning for more women to be appointed to positions of responsibility within their own culture both to create opportunites for more asian girls to come forward and in order to break through the wall of silence that allows Pakistani men and teenagers so much latitude to abuse children and teenagers in general.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Ruby - I agree with your analysis of Pakistani culture.

    But ... can't you see the link between multiculturalism and that culture? The reason British-Pakistani men have done what they've done is partly thanks to the multi-culti doctrine that states Pakistani culture is somehow equal to British culture in merit. Immigrants from rural Pakistan have not been encourarged to adopt British culture but rather have been encouraged to continue their lives and traditions as if they're still in Waziristan. For the past 15 years, anybody who had dared point that out was smeared as a racist - it's only very recently that this type of opinion is 'allowed'

  • Ruby456

    luhe, I'm afraid we love curries too much to go towards ideas of much greater assimilation.

    seriously though the way I am approaching this, via putting more women in positions of responsibility and contesting patriarchy, is much more fruitful than arguing for assimilation because it allows for diversity while satisfying any politcallty correct brigades too although I would not seek to be politically correct on those issues if push came to shove.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    the way I am approaching this, via putting more women in positions of responsibility and contesting patriarchy, is much more fruitful than arguing for assimilation - a rather bold prediction on your part - we'll see.

    BTW assimilation into British culture would still allow for diversity. The British public are not one monolithic block - multiracialism and a wide range of viewpoints exist.

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