My views.

by ivanatahan 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Ivan.. wonderful that you have woken up,

    congratulations & welcome.

    So glad you have started on a path that will

    lead to a real life.

    Realize that watchtower is a Real Estate Investment CO.

    A most brilliant idea that I've ever heard! Imagine, WT uses

    your money to buy good realestate properties, then uses

    your free labour to renovate the properties. They are used

    to produce & print millions of magazines & books ...btw these

    are not only peddaled from d2d, but are SOLD to a captive

    audience of 7 million members ....who MUST buy them to

    study for the meetings!

    Now, when the value of their realestate holdings goes up,

    watchtower sells them off ....they never tell you where all

    those millions goes! World Wide Work a joke!

    The biggest bonus of all, and why they use religion as a front,

    is that all this money is .... TAX FREE!

    Many more about the Assemblys & Convention scams!


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