After all the jokes and satire on this website about JW's only being able to amount to window washers and house cleaners, the cover page of "how to enjoy your work" showing a window washer and cleaner in the back ground. I almost wonder if some awakened, still-in, from this site is part of the writing department or illustrations and put that in there as an inside joke for us?
Window-washer is the cover of Feb 2015 WT, "How to enjoy your work!" Hahaha!!
by EndofMysteries 58 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ha ha, gotta be some apostate in the art/photography department throwing us a bone!
On a more serious note, this isn't as much of an issue in the world as the Watchtower makes it out to be. Sure some people hate their job, so they change there job as soon as they can.
But when you are stuck in a certain segment of the workforce as JWs are because education is a no-no, after a few decades you start tiring of the same old shit.
It certainly does seem that sometimes they're winking at the "apostates."
It's like we're in on the joke, but they get the last evil laugh because they STILL control our friends and family members. It's kind of like an overt thumbing of the nose at us, "Yeah, we know you apostates are wise to us. So what? What are you gonna do about it? Open your yaps and get disfellowshipped!"
Let's review: It' a cult!
Window washing, furniture moving, and gardening? No way for me!!!
Haha Oubliette, 'Let's review: It' a cult!' always cheers me up.
Nice. It would be great if it was an undercover apostate putting that picture in
I have a better idea on how to enjoy washing windows. If you do it just before you put up Christmas lights and decorations (and then so the stickers will stick better and so the decorations will show up better from the outside), it will be far more enjoyable. And, you will have fun putting up the decorations, along with everyone else enjoying them.
Or, if you are too late for Christmas, you can do your window washing early in the spring and then put up Easter stuff. Or, doing it in April while listening to the Led Zeppelin song Stairway to Heaven. Pay attention to the part "It's just a spring clean for the May queen"--cleaning windows in April could be honoring Astaroth.
Bet the jokehovians never thought of that one--let someone in the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger class realize that washing windows in April brings honor to Astaroth, along with any major cleaning done around that time, and they will panic and issue the edict that cleaning in April is worshiping Satan and His Demons. I wonder who will be the first to get disfellowshipped for doing a major cleaning, for themselves or professionally, during April.
They sure do give their "young ones" a lot to look forward to, don't they?
I met a nice lady last week at a business meeting and she was discussing how so many people in her church are looking for business opportunities-. I was talking about how my husband is the consummate schmoozer and is constantly inviting people to join his business, enjoy his personal library or just come to dinner (sometimes he remembers to tell me he invited them!). I said "he tells EVERYONE from the Starbucks barista to the poor JW who's trying to pawn off their magazines to unsuspecting householders". She told me she was a JW! She didn't get offended at the way I delivered my (rude, sorry) remark.
I actually have her number. I should call!