Window-washer is the cover of Feb 2015 WT, "How to enjoy your work!" Hahaha!!
by EndofMysteries 58 Replies latest watchtower bible
My observation is that these are not older people. Flash forward 30 years or so and see if you're happy or even able to do menial labor. I suspect not. But I forgot that the new system will be here by then and you won't have to worry about your future.
Was going to post the same thought.
I'm 70 years old, do not own my own home, have no benefits, have arthritis, expensive meds, no degree, my car needs repairs, my spouse is delusional, we cannot ask our children for help (I feel guilty for having had children in this evil system instead of devoting more of my life to WTS, and I realize that my present circumstance is undoubtedly because of not fully having followed WTS instructions and should have had a vasectomy) as they have left the truth and I am dutifully shunning them.
Can you please send one or two elders over to show me an appropriate article to read?
Witness 007
Lol so funny! Our city is full of W.W.W Witness window washers.
There is certainly nothing wrong with honest work,
but as mentioned, you can't keep doing this for 40 years into Retiremebt
the WTS makes out the "new system" to be soooo close so you don't have to worry about short sighted planning
How boring would living forever be if you had to do it the JW way?
So, they didn't use a photo of someone working in an office because that would be very secular and the Gibbering Brothers don't want us to enjoy that kind of work, right?
"Hard work" JW-style has the virtue of not being troubled by retirement plans. The end is so very near, preparing for one's retirement is unnecessary
There was an elderly JW lady in an adjacent hall who died a few years back. She and her husband converted and were baptized in one of the big NY assemblies during the 50s. They had a falling out with both of their families over religion. Their only son was mentally handicapped and had died prior to when I first met her. So had her husband.
She lived a model JW lifestyle. Worked a few odd jobs here and there in order to focus on service. Needless to say, she had next to nothing saved up for retirement. The congregation quickly tired of her. She was left on the curbside of her assisted living facilty more than once, her ride failing to show up. The "brothers" made little effort to hide their discontent of being given the "privilege" of picking her up. Eventually, they tired of it and made her call in to the meetings. Her health quickly deteriorated and the elders jumped on the chance to put her in a full-on nursing home where she was largely forgotten. She died several years later and few people showed up to her funeral.
This was her reward for a lifetime of obedience. Even though she died nearly a decade ago, I still tear up when I think about it. She was a very sweet lady and didn't deserve it. She made a dumb decision to join a cult, like many of us did, but there was nothing but warmth and kindness in her heart. Choices have consequences, though, even when those choices originate from good intentions.
The Gibbering Buddies just keep baiting and switching until our heads spin like the Omen.
They say "dont do a job you enjoy - it is dangerous and could take over your life and away from our control"
So they assume everybody takes their advice, and do jobs they loathe.
Most witlesses dont take a real pride in their work, and dont do their best at it. And they have not pointed out that most people actually do want a fair days pay for a days work, it is not a matter of not wanting to work hard. Low pay for hard work is bound to result in resentment.
If you hate your job, get another if you can. And use your wages for your family and to do real good in the world, not supporting these dust farting parasites at beth hell.
Simon Morley
Problem in my area was that as soon as a so called "approved" job was created then the market was flooded so that the supply exceeded the demand. result - prices go down. JW's for the most part lack the basic skills to run a business for themselves. It was funny to watch one window washer/floor polisher out bid the other and foster a greedy competative spirit that often resulted in low quality work. So how does that show it has God's blessing?