I just buried my beloved Poddle, Little Brother. He died suddenly. I know to most people that is not an important event. It has devastated me. It upset me for many reasons, one reason being that I believe that when animals die, that's it. They will never live again. As for me, I hope there is an afterlife but I am not sure. I can only hope that when I die, it will not be the total end of my life. If my dog had lived out his life, possibe 15 years, as opposed to just five days shy of eleven, I would not feel as bad. Death, I believe, makes people think about their one death. As an Oncology nurse, I see death and cope with the oncoming death of patients. It is not always sad as death is sometimes a blessing for those who are suffering. I am unsettled about what I believe about an afterlife. Sorry if I am rambling, I am just in mouring over my dog's death. He was a loving and loyal dog.