My dog just died.

by panhandlegirl 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • panhandlegirl

    I just buried my beloved Poddle, Little Brother. He died suddenly. I know to most people that is not an important event. It has devastated me. It upset me for many reasons, one reason being that I believe that when animals die, that's it. They will never live again. As for me, I hope there is an afterlife but I am not sure. I can only hope that when I die, it will not be the total end of my life. If my dog had lived out his life, possibe 15 years, as opposed to just five days shy of eleven, I would not feel as bad. Death, I believe, makes people think about their one death. As an Oncology nurse, I see death and cope with the oncoming death of patients. It is not always sad as death is sometimes a blessing for those who are suffering. I am unsettled about what I believe about an afterlife. Sorry if I am rambling, I am just in mouring over my dog's death. He was a loving and loyal dog.


  • _Morpheus

    Bulls*** its not important. my dog died on 9/2012 and i didnt get over it for a year. I still miss her. And if dogs dont go to heaven then im not goin either.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Sorry about your loss.

    I have lost a lot of dogs in my life and it is never easy.

    They are part of us and part of our family.

    I like to think, I will be reunited with all my dogs when I cross over to the other side.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    It is an extremely important and stressful event. I cried like a baby for 2 days (and mourned for weeks) when my guinea pig, Pepper, died. And every once in a while I get really sad that my dogs will die, too. Pets are our family and they bring more to our lives than we ever imagine they would.

    So sorry for your loss.

  • Simon

    I can only imagine how you must be feeling - they really do become a member of the family and they just give so much, they're often hopelessly devoted to you it's unreal.

    It's always very sad when we lose them especially if it's suddenly and before their time.

    If you've watched Derek, it's very moving then the dog dies. Who wouldn't want to go to doggy heaven.

  • Magwitch

    Feeling so sad for you!

  • truthseekeriam

    Very sad:( Its so hard to lose a furry family member. I still miss my beloved doggy.

  • panhandlegirl

    Thanks for your comments. I have been crying for a week and find it had to accept his death. I know in time I will heal but it helps to know others understand the pain of losing a best animal friend.

  • Oubliette

    I'm sorry for your loss, PanHandleGirl.

    For many of us, our pets are the only example of unconditional love we've ever known.

  • sloppyjoe2

    My condolences as I have lost two dogs in my lifetime. I am a dog lover and have found getting another dog helps fill the void. The best animals there are in my opinion.

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