My dog just died.

by panhandlegirl 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zeb

    My most heartfelt condolences. We had a large cat that could all buttalk to you. He would open the sliding door, check on the kids when they were asleep and myself if i were sick. He had green eyes that would stare through you and was a soul mateindeed. All a long time ago and i still miss him.


    I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. I lost my poodle a number of years ago and I was devastated. I mentioned to a friend that I wondered if dogs go to Heaven, and she replied: 'it wouldn't be Heaven if our pets weren't there.'. I also lost a couple of hamsters several years ago and I cried for many days. All we can do is remember our animals and get satisfaction that we provided them with good homes and happy lives. I hope you can eventually give your love to another pet in the future. You have my deepest sympathy.

  • HappyOutsideTheBox

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Dogs are the most remarkable family we can have.

    Their love is totally without conditions. The bring comfort, joy...and of course occasional frustrations!

    Knowing their life is shorter than ours is difficult because it means we know that at some point we will lose them.

    Every day I cuddle my dogs and tell them I love them (that's for my benefit!). They are completely in my heart but I'm under no illusion as to the pain I'll feel when they die.

    Cry as much as you want over your beloved doggie. He'll be in a special part of your heart forever.

    Sending you hugs accross the miles.


  • flipper

    So sorry...It has been a great loss for me when my dogs have died. Never gets easier.

    If there really are such things as angels, then that's what dogs are. Take care. Mrs. Flip

  • panhandlegirl

    Thanks again for your support. It helps so much to know others understand how you feel. I have a new Poodle puppy coming the 23rd of this month. I do not want to be without a dog. They just add so much to my life.Simon, I will be sure to watch Derek, thanks for the web site. I have been listening to "Mister Bojangles,"who after 20 years" still grieved for his dog. It is amazing how much one can love an animal. They give so much of themselves and ask so little of us.


  • clarity

    So sorry about your loss dear PHGirl hard.

    I watched 'Derek' and it has caused a downpour

    of tears for you sadness & mine as well!


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    If there really are such things as angels, then that's what dogs are. Take care. Mrs. Flip

    It was bad enough to read the news of panhandlegirl's loss but then to read the ^... I"m all tears right now.

    Our pets really do a job on us, huh?

  • Scully

    So sorry to hear about your beloved pet's passing. I would be heartbroken if any of my pets died.

  • Balaamsass2

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Still at work grinding out paper and my thoughts were about our dog who died last week. My dog would take a bullet for me. How many humans would do that?

    It is sad they have such short lives.

  • panhandlegirl

    It really helps my heart start to heal reading all your comments/condolences. It keeps me from feeling so alone in my sadness.


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