AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!

by raymond frantz 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS

    The Dark Lords will call these diseased apostates, and I would agree with them (at least with the diseased part). This type of activity can only serve one purpose, IMHO, and that is an emotional release by those carrying out the protest. It accomplishes nothing and will likely have the reverse effect, as many have also stated. But behavior runs the bell curve. We see it on this site. Ninety percent of us think that BOTR's rant against the JW lady was not only wrong but counter-productive, for example, while a few thought it great. The vast majority of us thought that Kairos should avoid blasting away at the elder, while a couple thought it wonderful activity.

    It isn't great; it is disrespectful to the Borg's members and it is counterproductive. These types of activities serve no purpose other than the childish, immature emotional release by those carrying out the protest/attack/vent. We were all hurt by the Borg, some of us worse than others. But there are better ways.

  • galaxie

    The cause of these activists is correct imo , history has shown it's the strength of the activism that can produce resuls eg;..Nelson Mandela, British poll tax etc.

    The severity of the consequences of having been a jw can also account for the degree of protest, does anyone know these individuals story ? It may be their protest has had a healing effect.

    I always make a point of imparting some ttatt at the trolley/cart stance, some chat others are visibly agitated , I hope I leave them with something to think about.

    Perhaps a stronger approach at these street /public places where jws are would be more pro active.

    I cant however condemn the actions of the activists in the vidio and I don't give a rats arse about how the JWs view them!!!

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Was this really AAWA? Whatever, it was totally cringe-making. IMHO nothing short of verbal abuse.

  • cantleave

    This achieves nothing.

  • DJS

    The yocals are nothing but worker bees, programmed drones if you will. When attacked they are programmed to defend the hive and especially the queen, even giving up their lives for the bitch. On auto pilot more worker bees will respond to the effort while a message will be sent to the Queen (Dark Lords). The Dark Lords will praise worker bee drones, re-inforce the worker bees under attack and use the event to send an alarm to all the other hives. This accomplishes nothing. Better tools/weapons, ranked in order:

    1. World Wide Web - very effective over the long run but is based on 'pull'

    2. Social media - More effective based on some pull and a lot of 'push'

    3. Lawyers and lawsuits - Effective at hurting the queen bee, sometimes badly

    4. Laws - the most effective and where it appears some western countries are headed to address hate speech, segregation, separation of families, etc.

  • wannaexit

    Why does AAWA do this? This type of activism always backfires.

  • Phizzy

    Is there a connection to AAWA ? If so, they would do well to Disfellowship this idiot and his friend.

  • steve2

    They are guilty of breaking and entering - and like all such religiously-motivated lawbreakers will articulate their own justification for their despicably disrespectful actions..

  • skeeter1

    It was a "Public Meeting." I don't know if England's rules on charity churches and a public meeting. A store, anyone is invited inside. But, management can ask them to leave. It would seem to me that at a public church meeting, anyone is invited inside. But, he left when he was asked to leave. What affect it will have on these people is debateable.

    What struck me in the video is all the elderly people. So sad to see the man with the cane, probably hoping to become young again in Paradise. It is my opinion that the eldery people don't really leave this religion in droves. They have too much invested. They are mental cases by the time they get elderly, depression setting in, a lifetime of cult programming, health issues, brain slowing. While we've see a few very strong and smart people be able to escape the cult's web, honestly, there are a few that do.

    Perhaps it will affect the younger ones. Only two younger people came in, and he had a conversation with the young lad telling him that his elders wouldn't let him read the handout the boy took. The lad dutifully handed back the paper. The lad was not yet baptised, as the man had a conversation with a grown, middle-to-upper aged man (probably an elder).

    Nothing has changed. Cheap suits, office-like chairs in cold grey. A cold feeling isnide. Colder than I remember it, becuase there were no families with children running around.


  • rebel8

    donuthole...lol...Apostate Like it's 1978! (Sung to the tune of Prince's song 1999) ITA.

    I think this could have been modified slightly and it would have been fine. (If it's your thang to try to convert current jws--I'm more interested in prevention, but to each, his own.)

    For example, dress appropriately, enter the hall and strike up conversations with people politely, expressing concerns. Or leave flyers on cars quietly.

    WTH was that weird thing at the end? I had to turn it off. So aggravating. Seemed like a lunatic. "Are you a lawyer?" What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Just a way to behave angrily like a bully--nothing else.

    Believe me, I understand the anger. Fully. But we gotta take the high road. I don't think we should be doing things designed to scare questioning dubs back to the arms of Mommie Borg.

    Full disclosure--I've posted lots of times about practical jokes. When I was a questioning teen, I did some. Here I've posted joke threads about what we could do, but I intend on doing none of them. Discussing practical jokes or other "activist" ideas can be therapeutic in itself, without carrrying them out. Like an unsent letter.

    Again, to each, his own, but IMO this "bursting in", yelling, disrupting, and demanding to know the bro's attorney registration # is irrelevant and counterproductive.

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