8 Year Old Getting Baptized!

by Atlantis 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    Old enough to be abused sexually,

    old enough to be abused spiritually.

  • steve2

    Hey folks, cool your tool. The pic is from Phillipines where every dog and its hedgehog gets baptized. If it's not one religious group that nabs 'em and their livelihoods, it'll be another. Take a Clonazepsm and change the channel.

  • coalize

    The new light of JW : Yes, baptism of children, now, you can!!!!

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Run kid, its a CULT

  • Listener

    Their baptismal costume looks very generic. I wonder if this is what Anthony Morris the Third had in mind when he was talking about womens sports clothing.

  • cultBgone

    Steve2, that may be true, but here in Florida, US, a 10-year-old was recently baptized and everyone was sooooo happy! And it's not the first prepubescent baptism I've known about personally.

    Child baptism...not just for religions of christendom anymore.

  • sowhatnow

    the parents of this child must be mentally unbalanced

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    I despise the UN and government in general. However, I would be for an international law being passed and enforced that no child under the age of 18 can dedicate and baptize themselves to ANYTHING!!!!!!

    The JW's who promote these child baptisms disgust me!!

  • _Morpheus

    Darth, while i agree, there is a problem that most in the world at large dont understand: being baptised as a JW has long last consequences. Most churchs dont shun. If you believe something different later in life, not that big a deal. Its because its a cult that makes it so damaging and especially to children who dont know anything different.

    In other words, when catholics baptise a kid, so what. Later in life it dosent carry the deep ramifications. Its hard to legislate or show the need for legislation when the consequences arnt obvious to a majority of the population.

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    I agree with your point, _Morpheus.

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