Ever try to contact local "inactive publishers"?

by Sail Away 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    I'm just wondering if anyone has ever tried to contact inactive or disfellowshipped JWs in their area. There are many faders in our area. There is also a large born-in family that had many leave who were labeled as apostates. I wonder if any post here on JWN.

    I have not as yet been sucessful in reconnecting with any former JWs locally. Two are clearly believers who view themselves as "spiritually weak" and want to "return to Jehovah" some day. Others have ignored brief emails, phone or FackBook messages. I usually keep it simple-- 'Hi, I haven't been to meetings in over three years. Just wanted to see how you are doing.'

    Any suggestions or good outcomes?

    Sail Away

  • ruderedhead

    Perhaps they just want to move on and leave all things jw behind.

    May I suggest that if you're trying to re-connect with people who you don't know if they want to go back or not, you not mention meetings or anything jw related? Just a simple "Hi, how are you, hope all is well"? A couple sentences about what you're doing. Maybe end with hope to talk to you sometime soon. Short & sweet. If you receive no response, move on. There is a world full of people who would like to know you!

  • Blackfalcon98

    I have also wondered about faders. I used to wonder why people just became inactive and only attended a few meetings a year......I never treated them any different but I always wondered. Now I wish I could connect with a few.

  • Phizzy

    Best to connect with people you are sure wanted to fully leave, through Meetup groups of XJW's, or XJW Facebook sites.

    Mrs Phizzy accidently hooked up with a lady who left decades ago, we knew her and her family well in our youth. It is nice to have her back in our lives as a friend.

    But you have to remember that not all JW's were the kind of people you would choose as friends, they were forced upon you then, and you may find them obnoxious now.

    I tried hooking up with an old JW "friend" who had just been DF'd, but she really did not want to know, she wanted to go back and get re-instated for her family, she was afraid to discuss anything about TTATT for fear it would jeopardise her reinstatement. A waste of my time.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    ruderedhead, I'll give leaving out any reference to JWs a try. I have tried contacting ones who left a long time ago and didn't want them to think I was still an active uber-witness.

    Blackfalcon, I never treated people who only showed up for the Memorial and C.O.s visits any differently either. If anything I went out of my way to keep in touch. One elder's wife even got mad at me for giving new convention releases to an inactive JW. She didn't think this woman "deserved" to have them. She didn't think her DF'd son "deserved" to be in paradise either.

    I recently FaceBook messaged a faded (walked away) JW I know that simply put up her hand and said, "No thank you!" and closed the door on two elders that showed up to check on her over a decade ago. This was reported to me by her JW DIL. This woman is into tai chi and kayacking now. We have interests in common and used to be friendly. She didn't respond to my message.

    Phizzy, I was raised in since nine years old. I only have two adult non-JW friends who have known me for a long time-- one a high school friend and another woman I met in my early twenties. I have a largely disfunctional non-JW family. I miss the sense of a shared history.

    Before I left the organization I was contacted by a faded JW that moved out of state. She had gone back, studied again and was looking for info to get in touch with our service overseer. She needed her records in order to get approved for going in the field service again. She was subsequently DF'd for "wickedness". She took over a dozen (I forget the exact number) blood transfusions and refused to write a letter stating that it was in a medical crisis and a moment of weakness and that she wouldn't do it again. She told me she would do it again if it would save her life. Sadly, she still believes it's the truth and still needs Jehovah in her life. Sigh. I will try MeetUp.com. Thanks.

  • stuckinarut2

    I have always been friendly to those who have faded from the org in our community...

    I do say hi and chat when we cross paths.

    But yes, just because we have a common background of having left or faded from the org, doesnt mean that people can become instant "new friends".

    A true relationship has to be based on more that just a common past. It needs to be based on common interests NOW and genuine interest in one another as individuals.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    You have to exercise caution when dealing with exJWs as many are still believers in the bullshit, so proceed on that basis until proven otherwise. I've met up with one who showed me his new tatoos and I started to tell him of my then recent exit out of the cult and then I had to back off as he was obviously not mentally out and took offense to the C word.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    stuckinarut, you are so right. JW I think of JW friendships as instant soup-- pour the contents of the packet into a cup, add some boiling water and stir-- is it soup yet?

    Witness My Fury, I agree, mentally out and pysically out are two entirely different ball games.

    Maybe this is all a waste of my time after all.

  • sparrowdown

    I have found even ones who obviously no longer believe are very reluctant to talk about it. So I don't push it with anyone.

    @ stuck- I didn't realise you have left?

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey sparrow, I am still in, but mentally I have left...so I guess I think of myself in the same way faders do.

    (Trust me though, after the events of this week, I will be out very very soon! Oh man, I can't wait to start a thread on this topic......I just can't reveal too much yet.)

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