Just saw your post, Simon. I'm looking forward to it!
I have a TASK for you to perform. Come on--it will be FUN!
by Terry 54 Replies latest jw friends
If I can sort by topic it will help immensely!
Hope so :)
You can currently sort by date topic was started, when it was last updated or the number of replies.
When I have the like / dislike stuff wired up then there should be a rating / ranking to use as well.
Far better sorting system, Simon! Very useful.
Btw, I've sent you a PM.
Eight pages...
I still have not been able to confirm the name...
Does anybody see any pattern?
I think an "active" response is like the weather. If a certain number of folks happen to be in just the right mood at the same
time there will be a chain-reaction (many micro-causes and micro effects) multiplying into a storm.
I've posted topics I worked a long time getting just right only to have no interest shown at all.
I think it is timing. At least I hope it isn't me--but--I won't rule that one out!