Replies to page 1 comments. (You may have to refer back to the original to connect my thoughts to your comments)
J-DUBBED, yes. That's a different question though. Thanks.
joe134cd said (refering to JW's): He should feel free to voice his opinion with out fear of reprisals.
Sure. And I am hoping to help them out of the dark with these questions here.
Maybe So, I am hoping standard answers like the one you mention belong to those that are faithful followers that are not here on JWN and your pointing such an answer out may help lurkers to see how they have been thinking. Thanks.
committeechairman, you make some great points.
if the Governing Body took the stance that they were just trying to do their best to lead Jehovah's people and they realize they could be wrong from time to time and did not shun people who decided this isn't for them, and if they actually acknowledged error and humbly repented when they made mistakes, then it would lend tremendous credibility for them and it would make it so much easier to follow their lead. As it is, however, the control increases. You can now be disfellowshipped for what you read and nothing more ("abhorrent" pornography), even if it is not generally known that you view or look at this type of material. There are signs that the Governing Body might be leaning toward much tigher control. All of this concerns me gravely. I believe that having "holy spirit" to guide the organization simply means displaying its fruitage in the way that we deal with the flock, but that isn't the opinion of the Governing Body, apparently.
I have to say on that point that JW's are led to believe that their Governing Body members are imperfect humans who have to check their path for errors and that there is some big difference between "spirit directed" and "inspired" that means that God only reveals truth but doesn't automatically make them understand it. That way, past errors are excused as they change the doctrines, and even claim that proves even more that they are God's one true organization. But my problem with their reluctance to admit error until way afterward and the way they claim "the light is getting brighter" is that they try to make members accept that the doctrines may have been wrong in the past (or that the Governing Body was in error) but that today's doctrine is correct and today's Governing Body should not be questioned.
Crazyhorse, thanks for the encouragement.
goingthroughthemotions, you are welcome to your thoughts and mine can be similar to yours. I do think your thoughts on this thread and those of others can help our active JW's.
westiebilly11, great echo on that thought.
J-DUBBED, easy. Easy.
Vidiot, that's some helpful thoughts. Thanks.
millie210, yes- all viewpoints are welcome here. That means all responses are welcome also. Thanks.
Apognophos, nicely said.
sparrowdown, that's a big part of what this thread is about.