Active JW's and JW Lurkers- Especially JW Defenders and Believers: A Few Questions For You

by OnTheWayOut 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlwaysBusy

    I don't know what category I fit into on this post. I considerr myself a JW, although those 'In' do not. My relatives believe that I am a JW.

    I have been hurt to the very core of my soul by those claiming to be JWs, not once, but many times. So much so, that I don't attend meetings any longer, but I do listen to the meetings via phone hookup. I don't agree with much being said about elders and the GB. The 3-hour event that took place via streaming vid (I listened to it at home) was one of the most depressing and disappointing bunch of talks I have ever heard. To me, this was not divinely-inspired, not by a long shot.

    Some of the cruelest and most heartless people are JWs, which is why I told the last elders that were here that Satan and the demons have infiltrated the org, and I no longer can vouch for the presence of God within the WT. Of course they think I am an apostate, I am not, as I have never left by beliefs.

    I feel sorry for the R&F. They appear as 'sheep without a shepherd, being skinned and thrown about'. So many poor and needy, so many families destroyed, so much money donated but no one knows where it is. I don't blame Jehovah for is the fault of a shameless board of executive officers...trickling down to cold-hearted elders.

    I love the bible, Jehovah and Jesus... I am in awe and admiration of His Heavenly Organization, but the earthly org needs help, lots of it.

    So, where does that place me? I don't friends, not much family (I am the only Witness of my relatives, my children left)...But I still have faith that all will turn out the way Jehovah has planned.

    Here and other places on the web, such as this, I can see I am not the only one who has been hurt, or has questions. Thank you all for your posts. I hope this has answered your questions...if not, it's because I really don't know what I am.

    Take Care,


  • flipper

    COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- Very nice to see you post on here and bring us your thoughts. I'm glad to see that you are working on the inside to effect a positive change in people's lives within the JW organization. Since you don't buy into all of the WT rhetoric I would also strongly second the comment from the poster who asked if you would PLEASE contact the police first if you receive a report of child abuse happening in your congregations. Right now as I'm writing this - there are at least 25 to 30 child abuse lawsuits in the United States alone being hammered at the WT Society due to their horrid child abuse policies. They don't go to the police first- they go to WT Society legal first to see HOW to deal with a child abuse action. Then - If the elders DO DF a child molester or discipline is given - MOST ALL of the parents in your JW congregations are NOT informed as to WHO the child molester is so they are NOT able to protect their children from further child abuse. What's the big fucking secret about ? Because the WT Society doesn't want further bad PR getting out to their own " flock " that they are allegedly " protecting " that there is a bigger child abuse problem than they want known ?

    Ask yourself THESE important questions : Are you in good conscience going to protect an organization that REFUSES to hand over child abuse files and information when requested by a court of law in the land ? And will you continue supporting an organization who REFUSES to allow a Governing Body member to testify in a child abuse case - thus really standing in contempt of court in both scenarios ? Ask yourself : WHAT does the WT Society have to hide so that they'd rather pay out a 13.5 million $$$ lawsuit to a child abuse victim - than to turn over this important , possibly damning information ? Because this is EXACTLY what just happened within the last month or so in San Diego, California and I guarantee that either you, your fellow elders , and 99 % of your " flock " that you are assigned to protect doesn't know SQUAT about what's going on behind the scenes with criminal WT Society aiding and abtting of pedophiles. I highly suggest you do some research on this and if you HONESTLY and REALLY want to protect your " flock " of " brothers & sisters " you will divulge this information to them. Then you will truly be a man of character. I respect what you are doing - however- you are too good of a man to continue being " used " or " used up " by a criminal organization like the WT Society. Am I making any sense ? I'm interested in YOUR response

  • Vidiot

    flipper - "What's the big fucking secret about? Because the WT Society doesn't want further bad PR getting out to their own 'flock' that they are allegedly 'protecting' that there is a bigger child abuse problem than they want known?...

    ...What does the WT Society have to hide that they'd rather pay out a 13.5 million $$$ lawsuit to a child abuse victim than turn over this important, possibly damning information?"

    I think this is about more than just pride, bad PR, or saving face.


    Every authoritarian regime fears a mass exodus.

    Their actions last month (which, I night add, smack of downright reckless desperation) suggest that the GB fears the information (i.e. names and locations of alleged offenders) getting out into the public domain and easily accessible to anyone...

    ...because if a large enough percentage of R&F Witness parents were convinced and subsequently feared for the well-being of their kids enough, there's a strong possibility they'd walk away from the WTS en masse at a rate that the Org could not handle, and the WT heirarchy does not want to take that chance (remember, it happened before back in '03 after the Dateline expose, albeit on a much smaller scale).



    We tend to forget this, but the WTS's continued ability to function is - in many ways - dependent on the financial support of the R&F (particularly in the Western World).

    Regardless of its assets and holdings, that kind of sudden drop in revenue flow could theoretically cripple the Organization almost overnight.


    The way I see it (whether it's genuinely threatened or not), the WTS itself feels as though it's fighting for its very survival, and it's actions reflect that accordingly.

  • flipper

    VIDIOT- You make some good points. I agree. I feel WT Society leaders are desperate right now and running scared. Good. They deserve what's coming to them. Especially if it's negative

  • Vidiot

    flipper - "I feel WT Society leaders are desperate right now and running scared."

    It, IMO, ties in with something else I've come to believe; that on some level, the WT knows its days may be numbered, and are behaving in a manner that can't help but alienate the fakers, faders, and fence-sitters, thus making them leave at a rate the Org can actually handle (rather than trying to hold them all together for as long as possible no matter what, only to risk losing too many all at once)...

    ...leaving them with a much smaller, but leaner, meaner, hard-core loyalist membership that'll still be able to support it's deliberately-downsized-in-anticipation-of-decline operation.

  • committeechairman

    To be clear, I have reported every child abuse allegation to the police that I have ever come in contact with, legal dept permitting or not. And not anonymously either. I will continue to do so. The day that costs me my position as an elder or puts me out of the organization, well let's just say I will be fine with that.

    i will comment on the rest later.


  • Vidiot

    If the majority of elders were like you, chairman, it would be a different Organization.

  • flipper

    COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- I commend you for going to the police with or without the WT Society's legal department approval. Good for you. It shows your character. Sadly you as an elder doing that ARE the exception and not the rule. Most elders will fall in line with what the WT leaders tell them to do. Good for you that you do the right thing and are humanely looking out for the victims interests and well being and not the WT Society's interests and well being. Still - in secret or in private conversation with other JW's hopefully you can expose to the rank & file JW's WHAT is going on behind the scenes dishonestly by the leaders of this organization ? I hope you can or will take the opportunity

  • sparrowdown

    To The Chairman - It's not really about you though is it? You don't make the rules, write the articles or compose the talk outlines.

    Your boss The GB does. Your'e just there undercover helping people, what a hero. You need to start wearing your undies on the

    outside of your trousers and get a cape( sarcastic tone intended.)

  • Listener

    CommitteeChairman, if you were disfellowshipped for not following strict orders regarding the handlying of child abuse I am sure there would be dozens of us using you as an example. R&F JWs generally believe that parents are encouraged to report the crime or that the Elders do it. We would be saying," no that's not the case, in fact I know of an Elder who was disfellowshipped for doing that very thing".

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