Thanks for posting this thread. Let's hope ABC news is allowed to record this so as to be able to put it on the Internet or network T.V. There needs to be more massive media coverage of the WT Society child abuse problem as it is exploding in numbers
Media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from ABC News New York
by Londo111 75 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Technically, rapists are humans. Humans whom I would kill if necessary.
I hope it's brodcastec in high definition 1080p. I would hate for the occasion to be ruined by poor picture quality.
NBC wants in on it as well.
12/22/2014Request filed to: media request to video/record oral argument from Center for Investigative Reporting/NBC Nightly News
Awesome! -
Doubting Bro
I think that any organization that doesn't take reasonable steps to protect kids should answer for it. Hopefully this will be a follow-up to the Dateline report several years ago. Not much has really changed.
Hopefully this exposure will entice the WTS. to take more assertive action in regards to pedophilia activity within the organization. After all pedoifllia is a serious crime in most countries now days, so why would they not take a firm stand knowing its serious crime and they wanted to distance themselves from this awful social behavior.
Reflectively look at the surmountable damage it caused the Catholic religion in their endeavor to hide this crime from the public's eye within their religious organization..
I wonder if the WTS will just swallow the bitter pill and drop the appeal now that more and more spotlights are being focused on their actions. -
I don't think they will just drop the appeal after so much time and expense just because the news will be there. It wouldn't surprise me if they tried to settle now though. What do they owe, around 11 million? It wouldn't surprise me if they may have tried to offer to drop the appeal now if she will take less. Maybe $4 or 5 million?