Were they pretty much a good group of men? We're they jerks?
What Was Your Body of Elders Like?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Mine is made up of:
1 Nazi (a genuinely caring man in many cases, but VERY hardline on the rules when it comes down to it) who is well known for neglecting his wife due to constantly volunteering for anything/everything "theocratic" that he can. Like ditching her on their aniversary to go to a sheparding call type neglect. very sad.
1 super-zealous pioneer (service overseer) who is super annoying and makes any conversation about "theocratic" things.
1 very intelligent and humble man who got pulled in by his super-controlling wife in the run-up to 1975. (Previously, he was agnostic...)
A couple are sort of non-existant and always in the background
1 86 year old "honorary elder" who's completely senile and has absolutely no responsibility in the congregation (I don't think he's even been regular in service for a few years)
They were awful, simply awful.
Old boys network, everything in the cong was arranged for their own families
convenience, while the rest of us could "go to buggery". Them and their
families treated the congregation and the KH like it was their own personal kingdom.
Me, I think I had chance about the BOE I had, 15 years ago, in a city, that perhaps some knows, Rheims, in france, the capital of the Champagne..
There I had two elders who was scientifics (high level), one rich like hell (champagne producer) and one who was a lawyer (high level)... These three elders rules all the another, who, honestly, just obey..
I don't know how it's now, but last time I ask my parents, they sais that they all gone... or because they really up in the organisation (one of the scientifics seems to be now in brooklyn and driving all thje scientific article of WT) or because they leave
For the one in brooklyn, we're the sama age, and we drank so much together when we was young.. I know the only thing he had in mind was to be a ruler of the GB.... he will succeed, I know him... if you see a french in the GB one day, it's him! :D
The elder who is timid and can't say no is usually the secretary. If there is a pioneer elder he is the service overseer. The bully/ahole is usually the COBE.
In Irving Texas in the 70's the elders that I knew all seemed super nice and caring in the Hall. But, outside the Hall was another matter. I worked for one of the elders and I got an earful. Not trying to eavesdrop, but the brothers talked very openly about things that they really shouldn't have. These elders could not stand one another. From what I overheard, they argued and fought over all types of matters. Words like "Horses Ass" and "Bowel Movement" (one of the elders initials) are just a couple of terms I remember being thrown about. A couple of them eventually moved away to other congregations. Of course, they are all dead now.
I moved to California for awhile and when I came back to Texas an elder that I knew in CA had also moved to Texas, to my very congregation. He did not like what he had moved into. Many years later I was living in Arizona. I walked into the KH there and who did I meet? The California elder! He didn't remember me but I sure remembered him. I said, "Yeah, I remember you from Irving TX!" Man, the smile disappeared from his face immediately, and he said, "That's a chapter of my life I would just as soon forget!"
breakfast of champions
Actually, the current bunch ( I think they're basically the same as when I was elder) are pretty nice guys. I think they genuinely care, and they don't look for trouble. Perhaps their biggest fault was being too "meek" or pushovers. You get a pig-headed PO in there and they all bow to his wishes.
Actually, the only one I'm not crazy about is the PO, who is a company man in the sense that he does like to manage and enforce rules. There is not a spiritual bone in his body, he just likes managing/organizing people.
THe usual bunch of pompous bastards, plus a sexual deviate, if the question in the Watchtower had to do with the sun and the moon, he would find a way to bring up something involving the male and female, be it love, romance or sex
@ShirleyW- can't imagine what bro sexual deviant would do with a talk about hotdogs and buns, if suns and moons do it for him.lol.