The BOE when I was attending 20 years ago were decent until towards the end of my attendance. The PO was a good man who was a highschool teacher. He died soon after I left of cancer. The oldest member at the time was active back in the 40's and was a hard liner. He died single never married with no children. He spent a life time in the society. There was member who joined a couple years before I left. He was in his 40's and was a "big shot". He tried being a uber elder and loved power. He was judgemental and was quite funny when he found out his teenage daughter was pregnant. Oh and he also went to college and received his law degree.
What Was Your Body of Elders Like?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Some nice guys. Tried to get me to go along with them during my JC, but they were so irrational-and I was the 15 year old. . . no way.
I mostly remember the oldest one Brother S. Nice, stern, the guy in charge. All the rest were . . .not so much. The only really evil guy was an MS (now an Elder) who abused his wife dreadfully. Cheated folks, used his position, good looks and got away with stuff. Another MS(now elder) was clearly just in this for show. Makes him look good to have a position, makes his wfie happy, good networking.
Some of the guys were sweethearts, some were clueless. Just men. Our elders were deluded or fakes. One told the truth about 1975 and got kicked out.
Wasanelder Once
All trained by an old guy from the 40's and 50's. The legacy continues as the autocratic "Company Servant", "Presiding Overseer" mentality is carried forward. All the elders are local save for a few. The outsiders are crushed by the ignorant locals. So glad I have no contact with even one of them. Don't piss them off or you'll pay. Even the merciful newbies are overuled. Had an elder jump down my throat once becuase I counseled a "Ministerial servant" for being a rude ahole. "You dont counsel people appointed by Holy Spirit", said he. I came back with, "Oh, I thought only Elders were appointed by Holy Spirtit, are MS also?" He was so angry. What a tool.
I used to get defensive when I heard people critisizing all elders as being less than nice...
BUT, recently (over the last two years) I have seen some huge changes in our body.... Sadly, they are now so different.
Power struggles
Critical and judgemental, eager to find fault with fellow appointed ones as well as the sheep in general
@stuck- do you think your elders are worse because of being worse, or because you are noticing more now?
Elders Wives children
1; dishonest Lair Subject & nice none
2; Proud arrogant SOB Screwed the single bros Early Abortion and other left truth
3; Nice guy helpful family obediant wife elder, MS, MS Wife, Arrogant and proud with it
4; LOVED women - wanted to control them complete obey - no sex NONE - but was the main ones giving advise on family life
5; beat his wife brusies visible at times NONE
6; money making developer - GOD to all Wealth dripping off her body NONE
7; Blind Control freak of others - Boss GOD completly controled Daughters, all screwed every guy they could in cong
8; Dreamer - no brainer yes man both hubby and wife on anti depressants daughter wild and free
this is an honest opinion in reflection
All are imperfect, but of course they think they are not.
Good question sparrow....very good......
hmmm... Maybe it is because I no longer want to allow myself to go along with such stuff?
I was an elder for over 10 years - most of the previous posters have pretty much nailed the description of most elders. In my experience - the categories are roughly..
15% Genuine kind guy who is actually trying to be a decent christian - cares for the older ones , helps out the sick etc.
15% Self righteous pompous Pharisaical "nazi" type - very much a "Society Man" focusing on rules & regulations. Often younger/ pioneer.
50% Middle aged - fairly mediocre - tired & bored - wants a quiet life - do minimum possible
20% Very old - nominal elders - sleep through most elders meetings & do very little if anything in the congregation
I've said this before about the 20 congregations worldwide I've been in
1) Liars
2) Those who support the liars with their silence
Well said blondie.
stuck - once you recognize the hypocritical BS for what it is, there is no unseeing it.