Advice Needed...Again

by wallievase 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • wallievase

    Current Update- The wife and i are separated. I dont go to the meetings or in service but im not df, or da. She is not budging.

    Problem- my wife has made it clear that she doesnt want me back unless i do all the witness stuff, i have even offered to attend meetings but not participate in commenting or go in service and this is not good enough. She wants a person that is all in, or not at all.

    The main issue is this-

    if i cheat, which i am not a cheater, i get disfellowshipped and lose what little contact i still have with my immediate family.

    if i divorce so that i dont cheat, and i get remarried- i still get disfellowshipped and again, i still lose my family.

    She wont give me what i want, being a wife and being together again, and i am screwed no matter what i do unless i just wanna be alone forever.


  • talesin

    Leave, and start again. If you happen to find a new life partner, well BLESSED BE, if you get DF for that, then carry on and live in PEACE.

    Yikes, yes - so leave, and let it go!

    (let it go, let it go, let it go)

    There's an echo in here

  • happy@last

    You said it yourself "she wants a person....". She doesn't want you. Your life seems to be on hold, live it now and don't waste any more time. Start meeting new people and building new relationships, one that are not conditional.

  • Crazyguy

    I think its obvious you gotta move on and have a happy life. Once this life is over you don't get to start again its just that plain and simple, so you're running out of time. Where all running out of time.

  • Listener

    It's unbelievable that she'll have you back if you are 'seen' to do the right thing. She chooses not to honour her role of wife and rejects your stand. And she still has the audacity to call herself a Christian.

    It you only comit one sin and you repent at a JC it is possible you may not get disfellowshipped at all.

  • zeb

    Hmm the word 'want' comes out of the mouths of so many sisters. She is behaving like so many sisters revealing an appaling level of immaturity and 'wants' her social intercourse.. (!) to be with the sister -pack not with you. Please go ye unto a counsellor.


    This confirms my opinion that it is NEVER a good idea to marry or even date a Jehovah's Witness. They are all essentially nuts emotionally. My advice is to tell your wife to go screw herself, leave her and never look back. Then she can wallow in her own misery. So just disconnect from her and the JWs immediately and totally!!

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    If you've not 'endangered' her spirituality, and to the contrary are willing to even support her in her belief, she shouldn't be separated from you. Exercise your God give husbandly authority (!) and quote some wt's and scriptures at her telling her to be in subjection and try to win you over without a word. If that's what you really want. This cult sucks donkey balls.

  • bigmac

    my born in first wife just wanted a trophy dub-hub. a pioneer--servant--giving public talks--on the stage at assemblies.

    sound familiar ?

    well she divorced my in double quick time--after 13 years together---when i gave her what she wanted--scriptural grounds. ( great fun for me )

    i subsequently went on to marry a lovely lady--had 24 years together--till she died young. i'm still young at heart and enjoying life to the max--i'm 66.

  • stuckinarut2

    We only have one life to live...why let it be a miserable one....?


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