does the wt always carefully phrase sentences so as to never take blame?

by sowhatnow 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparky1

    AndDon'tCallMeShirley, the GOVERNING BODY called and they have a message for you:

    STOP MAKING SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • blondie

    Weasel word

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For the specific meaning in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Weasel word. Weasel words.svg

    A weasel word (also, anonymous authority) is an informal term [ 1 ] for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that a specific and/or meaningful statement has been made, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated, enabling the specific meaning to be denied if the statement is challenged. A more formal term is equivocation.

    The use of weasel words to avoid making an outright assertion is a synonym to tergiversate. [ 2 ] Weasel words can imply meaning far beyond the claim actually being made. [ 3 ] Some weasel words may also have the effect of softening the force of a potentially loaded or otherwise controversial statement through some form of understatement, for example using detensifiers such as "somewhat" or "in most respects". [ 4 ]

    Weasel words can be used in advertising and in political statements, where encouraging the audience to develop a misleading impression of what was said can lead to advantages, at least in the short term (in the longer term, systematic deception is likely to be identified, with a loss of trust in the speaker).


    A modifying word that undermines or contradicts the meaning of the word, phrase, or clause it accompanies, such as "genuine replica."

    More broadly, weasel word may refer to any word that's used with the intention to mislead or misinform.

    The term was coined by author Stewart Chaplin in 1900 and popularized by Theodore Roosevelt in a speech in 1916. See Examples and Observations, below.


    One word: Legalism.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Vidiot: Using weasel words is, for all intents and purposes - cheating.

    Cheating* in WT Land, is for all intents and purposes- listen, obey, and be blessed.

    "Blessed" by the GB really means: hornschwaggled.

    sparky1: AndDon'tCallMeShirley, the GOVERNING BODY called and they have a message for you: STOP MAKING SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry...I'll try to work on that.


    * also known as "Theocratic Warfare".

  • committeechairman

    Since you all have a substantial portion of the letters to the bodies of elders, you can see the elevated level of obfuscation there beyond the regular published material. Some letters to the bodies of elders are almost impossible to understand and follow.


  • Terry

    "Who Molds Your Thinking?", The Watchtower, April 1, 1999, page 22, "You have free will. Exercising it, you can choose to respond to Jehovah’s molding influence or deliberately reject it. How much better to listen to Jehovah’s voice instead of arrogantly asserting, 'No one tells me what to do'!"

    The Organization can, in one instance say that salvation is a "free gift" of Jehovah's undeserved kindness and then turn around and claim

    the same Jehovah has a work schedule which must be followed to earn that same free salvation!

    "Righteous requirements", Watchtower, July 1, 1943, pages 204-206, "Jehovah ... has appointed his 'faithful and wise servant, who is his visible mouthpiece ... These expressions of God's will by his King and through his established agency constitute his law or rule of action ... The Lord breaks down our organization instructions further ... He says the requirements for special pioneers shall be 175 hours and 50 back-calls per month ... and for regular pioneers 150 hours ... And for company publishers he says, 'Let us make a quota of 60 hours and 12 back-calls and at least one study a week for each publisher'. These directions come to us from the Lord through his established agency directing what is required of us ... This expression of the Lord's will should be the end of all controversy ... The Lord through his 'faithful and wise servant' now states to us, Let us cover our territory four times in six months. That becomes our organization instructions and has the same binding force on us that his statement to the Logos had when he said, 'Let us make man in our image'. It is our duty to accept this additional instruction and obey it."

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "The Organization can, in one instance say that salvation is a 'free gift' of Jehovah's undeserved kindness and then turn around and claim the same Jehovah has a work schedule which must be followed to earn that same free salvation!"

    That always had me scratching my head, even back when I was a dutiful JW.

  • Hairtrigger

    Circumlocutory, prevaricating,mealymouthed,equivocating,dissimulative S.O.Bs of a bastard religion !

    Now that I've got that off my capricious chest here's a thought. Every religion was made by males. All of them are wrong. Females had nothing to do with them.

    Maybe if the gentler gender put their maiden heads together we might hit on one that isn't so homosexu....!! Heck I got that wrong too...Damn I need another drink!!!

    Curse their "vacillatory", mendacious indoctrination ! Duplicitious G.B. pups from Perfidious whores!!

    I'm done for! They've made me hopelessly ambivalent now!! Where's that damn drink!!!

  • sparrowdown

    Just to get into the spirit of whatever hairtrigger is drinking right now.

    The WT are sons of fatherless goats!

  • millie210

    I want what Hairtriggers having!

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