does the wt always carefully phrase sentences so as to never take blame?

by sowhatnow 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ hairtrigger:

    your loquaciousness is tempered by your perspicacity and borders on antidisestablishmentarianism. You gave those WT troglodytes a well-deserved drubbing. I like it.

    sparrowdown: The WT are sons of fatherless goats!

    Their mothers are hamsters and their fathers smell of elderberries. To them I say, "nee!"

  • sparky1

    Terry........THANK YOU for posting that quote from the 1943 Watchtower. I have been searching for that since 1977. I read the quote myself directly from the Watchtower when I was a Bethelite in the mid 70's and it turned my stomach to recognize the HUBRIS of the writer of that article. A human being made up those requirements and a human being put them down in writing. Nothing more and nothing less. "He says in the requirements................." (Who in the flying fu@k did HE say these requirements to? Come out, come out wherever you are!)

  • Twitch

    Evidently, this may be considered a fact.

  • Vidiot

    LOL, Twitch!

  • flipper

    Indeed the WT Society DOES a lot of blaming but uses language in which they NEVER take responsibility for anything they do wrong. In WT leaders eyes- they cannot commit wrongs as they are God appointed ya know ? LOL. But yes, I think a lot of them doing that is for legal reasons and liability. And because they like to control and manipulate for the $$$$$$

  • Vidiot

    Once again for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...


    ...using weasel words is - for all intents and purposes - cheating.

    And if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • sowhatnow

    i am looking at an article from the 08 wt jan 15th 'counted worthy to receive a kingdom'

    par13 - 16 using these

    apparently, it could be, seems reasonable, it seems evidentally.

    these words are the ones i may sometime need to show to someone to make them realize its all a mans opinion and they need not fear

    thinking on their own.

    it seems the org continues to view itself in the same light as the nation of israel. they till this very day constantly refering to mosaic law scriptures.

    old testiment scriptures, which absolutely are not meant for todays populations. they always draw comparisons to ancient israel and expect jws today to folllow the same thinking pattern.

    lets see now with this rumor of changed again ' thoughts' how they will weasel out of it.

  • LogCon


  • silent

    What was quoted earlier: 18 Although the slave class is defined as “faithful and discreet,” Jesus did not say that it would be infallible. This group of faithful anointed brothers still consists of imperfect Christians. Even with the best of intentions, they can be mistaken, as such men sometimes were in the first century. (Acts 10:9-15; Galatians 2:8, 11-14) However, their motive is pure, and Jehovah is using them to supply us with Bible study aids to build up our faith in God’s Word and promises. The basic provision for personal study that the slave has given us is the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It is now available, in whole or in part, in 42 languages, and 114 million copies in several editions have been printed. How can we use it effectively in our personal study?—2 Timothy 3:14-17.

    This is where I have a big hang up. It *IS* hard to be a JW. The day to day heckling, goofy looks, people looking at you like you're an idiot/stark raving mad and all the junk and baggage that you must carry as a JW....and then to top it all off, you might just be following something that is in error and they expect you to stick to it to the letter, but ride out their flim-flamming ways. Only THEY can admit their mistakes, (and they never ADMIT it, but make subtle changes without admitting ANYTHING), but if you're not part of the GB, then you are powerless to identify any errors - in fact - pointing out errors means you are an independent thinker and near apostacy. And how many have died on the blood issue - how many deaths did it take to solidify that understanding of scripture? Might this be an error that they can never totally reverse on due to the huge legal backlash? I'm fully convinced they are blood guilty due to an improper understanding of scripture. Then to top it all off, they can all pawn off any personal reponsibility because they decided it as a body and not individually. Then is it Jehovah's fault they made a mistake or theirs? They have basically stated, "We may make mistakes, but take no responsibility for them, and yet we will disfellowship you if you go against any of our counsel that may have later been changed." This is the pure definition of having your cake, eating it too, and never gaining weight on top of it all!

    I guess being a Witness isn't has hard as trying to please a dictatorial regime that allows you aboslutely no wiggle room, but gives themselves all they need.

  • Vidiot

    sparky1 - "AndDon'tCallMeShirley, the GOVERNING BODY called and they have a message for you: STOP MAKING SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Either that, or "You're way better than us at this; you wanna job?."

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