You might mention to him: 'Does the fact that we have differing religious views mean that we can't have a loving relationship? Did Jesus, being a Jew, shun Gentiles? Did the early Christians shun Jews?'
Here we go again. The next hate letter from our 2nd Son.
by Still Totally ADD 40 Replies latest jw friends
I like the idea of writing a letter.
On a side note:
I also like the idea of ignoring the whole shunning thing.
Why respect their hideous and hateful arrangement?
I agree that the approach you are planning to take is spot on. At the moment he feels in the upper position as he thinks you know you are doing something wrong and it is still the truth. Once you are firm that it is a cult and you will not be returning, but love him regardless, then he becomes the one having to justify his stance. The balance of power shifts. It may not bring him back to you, but it does seem to change the dynamics Of the relationship in youR favour.
Still Totally ADD
Thank you for all your encouragement. Here is another thing my son brought out. He keep saying how much he and his brother loves us. With love like that who needs enemies. Still Totally ADD
I am so sorry
I am also sorry for your pain.
When you write the letter, do you have a couple of scriptures you could insert showing a couple of wrong doctrines of the wt to help you back up your position that you know it's not the truth?
Have a Merry Christmas, Still totally add! I hope you can enjoy what you do have for now.
just fine
I don't know if this will help, but when I left as an adult child, I finally had to tell my parents that I loved them no matter what. and i wanted them in my life, but they had to respect my choices as an adult. I assured them I would not attack their beliefs if they would respect mine. Then I left it alone until they were ready to have a relationship. It took some time for them to make peace with it, now we have a good relationship, but religion is never discussed.
i have a better relationship with my parents than my siblings that are jw's, but it's because we have boundaries.
Good luck. I hope you can find peace.
Theres also an awake article where the borg is telling ones to respect one's religious beliefs and to get along and all that BS. Its totally designed to be give to ones as a way to get them to leave their religion and demand respect by others for doing so but you can turn the article around and show it to him as a way of saying you're not even doing what your religion says. Also remind him that on their website it says they dont shun ex jws so hes showing the borg to be a liar..
Still Totally ADD - I really feel sick about all but this time I will not take this lying down. I will write him back and let him know it is them not us who is unloving. It is them who will not let us see our grand kids not us and we will give them the reasons why we know the Wt. is a cult and unlike them our house will always be open to them and our grand kids. I know some of you may feel I should not do this but both letters from our oldest over 2 years ago and our youngest has so much disrepect and hateful things I just can't let them get away with it.
Hi Still Totally ADD, I agree that you should confront your sons, but be careful how you word your letter. How do you feel your sons would respond to the following:
Your mother and I love you and your brother unconditionally. We will love you whether you remain a JW, or decide to critically think for yourself. Why can't you love your mother and I unconditionally, since nothing will ever convince your mother and I to return to the Watchtower. Wouldn't it be better for our family to love each other unconditionally and more than any organization?
If you want to know why your mother and I will never return to the Watchtower, please call us. It is your choice whether to shun us and not to behave as family.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
I will write him back and let him know it is them not us who is unloving. It is them who will not let us see our grand kids not us and we will give them the reasons why we know the Wt. is a cult and unlike them our house will always be open to them and our grand kids. I know some of you may feel I should not do this
I say DO IT, but do it with kindness and love. SHOW THEM how a person is supposed to be IF they are claiming to be Christlike. And tell them that.
Beg them to forgive you for indoctrinating them into the cult, but at this point it is THEIR decision. Thus, you'll respect their choice to choose how to worship and hope they will respect yours. (Send a copy of the Awake Ragazine that says a person should not be penalized for choosing to change.) Say you are willing to leave the discussion of religion "off limits" and you will NOT influence their children if they choose to visit you. UNCONDTIONAL LOVE. Tell them you are "waiting on Jehovah" to fix the problems that caused you to leave the religion -- and you have NOT left Jehovah. Assure them that you would not have sacrificed them in the fire to Moleh when Israel's priesthood went apostate either.