I see a combination of factors that keep many glued to the WTBTS:
- Indoctrination over the years that there is no place else to go and being outside "the organization" results in loss of eternal life. The belief that being cutoff from the organization where salvation can only be found. A fear factor.
- Stigmatization of being labeled a "worldly person."
- Ostracization by friends and family. (Many cannot deal with the mental aspect of this).
- Becoming accustomed to the "going along" with everything and shielding and protecting ones inner feelings from anything that might disturb them. (In other word, not wanting ones world rocked).
- The powerful "group dynamic" that exists and the "virtual arms" that embrace the WT membership. A family atmosphere is created and many do not want to upset or disappont "the family."
- Time vested. Many simply feel that they have been associated with the organization for many years and do not want to count those years as a bad investment.
- Many believe that "the organization" is the truth as Phizzy believes. Yet, they are in error because it is not an organization that is "the truth" it is Christ Jesus who is "the truth." Therein, lies the subtle deception: Other things are being ascribed only what Christ Jesus is. For example, the Bible is being called "The Word of God." The WTBTS is being called "The Truth" and also "The Way" and "The Life" if one really thinks about it.
Sadly, many JW - while claiming to be in the business of the truth - are repelled by the truth. (I know I was).
When questioned about the origins of 1914 (Second Adventist Movement and not the Watch Tower) many simply do not want to deal with it. When asked to reconcile such a date with what Christ stated at Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:42, and Acts 1:7, many hem and haw or run away or make such statements as " Well, I believe it is the Truth, and that's good enough for me" which is a "I-don't-care-and-I-don't-want-to-know" mechanism. There is a mental block that keeps JWs (and others) from confronting TRUTH.
This repulsion to the truth (which is Christ and his teachings) reminds me of how demons reacted in Christs presence. They were repelled by him.
I am well qualified to write what I write here as I was a faithful JW for more than thirty years. I left the organization quietly by disassociation. I did not leave angry or disgruntled. I left as a very concerned person that something was very very wrong.
The "friends" did not want to deal with the hard questions such as 1914 and failed prophetic utterances within the WT organization. I saw a subtle shift and deviations from what Christ taught to what "the organization" taught and still teaches.
I saw more and more a book (The Bible) getting more props and mention as "The Word of God" rather than the one who IS The Word of God: Christ Jesus.
I saw "The Organization" and the men who sit on top of it being elevated to lofty and holy positions to such an extent THEY became objects of reverence rather than Christ himself.
I saw "The Organization" literally usurp the titles of "The Truth, The Way and The Life."
As Phizzy stated, he/she believes that the WTBTS is "The Truth" rather than recognizing that Christ is "The Truth." Any who were and are JWs will acknowledge the use of the expressions "In the truth" or "Are you in the truth?" All JWs know what they mean. They mean "Are you in the organization?"
The organization hails itself as The Way. How so? Because it says that no one can approach the Father unless they do so via the organization and in association with it. (Read the baptismal vow). Yet, Jesus said that "he" is The Way to the Father.
The organization hails itself as The Life. It teaches that all within it are in a "spiritual paradise." In other words, within a particular lifestyle that leads one to eternal life as long as they remain it.
The Jews who The Most High sent His Son to rejected the Messiah. Do not be fooled or deceived, the Son of God is being rejected by those claiming to follow him.
I have awaken and would NEVER NEVER ascribe to any human or human agency that which belongs to my Master: The Way, The Truth and The Life.
Yet, that is exactly what JWs and members of ALL of the religious system called "by men" Christianity has done.
I am intelligent to know that many of them "do not know" and are unware that is what they are doing.
Thanks to my Master Christ Jesus and his teaching and example I can say as he did: "Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."
This teaching is vastly important to all who claim to follow Christ. It keeps us humble and it reminds us that we were once in that state of slumber and denial.