Maybe Ham was adopted ...
Origin of Black Skin - Noah Movie
by Bloody Hotdogs! 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is no such thing as the "origin" of skin color any more than there is the origin of the color chartreuse.
Me no comprende. There must be an origin, it's just that we may not know what it is definitively right?
I presumed skin color was genetic but don't know what the current thinking is about origin. Did black or white skin develop as a response to environment or vice versa? i.e. people gravitated towards environments that suited them.
There's usually some reason for anything to do with genertics. Humans don't have one single origin - is it a difference of sources (like, erm, ginger hair).
it is genetic; there was a story lately about Albinos in Africa (people with negro features) that are white, being killed, sometimes for their organs.
It is eerie, people of black ancestry you do not see as foreign.( if you have a "white" mind set"
Orientals, by their genetic make-up, are part of the black race, I read somewhere.
Simon: Me no comprende. There must be an origin, it's just that we may not know what it is definitively right?
My context was meant to be (I confess I failed to be clear) religious, as in God did this or man did that.
Thanks for the head's up, Si!
Don't ask about the Asians.
Right! or the native south americans, or aborigines, or eskimos, etc. I mean, if you look at the variety that exists in the Human race, you can't possibly think that a few thousand years of procriation would result in such a variety of genetic traits.
I tend to agree with the idea that one race didn't mutate to eventually result in a variety of races. Instead makes more sense to think the first groups of humans that appeared on earth, had already evolved with those traits present within each group.
I dunno, if I were Noah, and Mrs. Noah had a son with that coloration, I might be a wee bit suspicious....
My context was meant to be (I confess I failed to be clear) religious , as in God did this or man did that.
Ah, that makes sense :)
Just to expand on the ginger hair reference I made earlier - apparently it is a "neanderthal trait" so people with red hair have inerited some genetics from neanderthals. I think this could be the case with other features too (and apparently skin pigmentation and hair color are closely related). So while some environmental effects could shape people there's also the possibility that certain groups have more of one genetic source than others where different branches of the human tree intermixed. As well as the envionment affecting people, there is likely the case where people are better suited for certain environments.
We're all just apes but unlike most apes we're starting to mix things up quite a bit.
Who doesn't love ginger apes :)
I read somewhere a new study that said 3% of Euro-Asians had Neantderthal genes in us! Neanderthal and Homo's were on Earth, simultaneiously for 60,000 years, and mated . . . . .
(But, Humans are really only here on Earth for 6,000 years . . . . according to tight pants Tony and his buddies)
Ham, is pictured as a black man
Let me guess...he lived in the Black Forest? Thus making him a Black Forest Ham?
if I were Noah, and Mrs. Noah had a son with that coloration, I might be a wee bit suspicious....
The mailman was Black, but Noah never put 2+2 together on that one...