paragraph 9 : " Jesus blood validates the NEW COVENANT -- makes posiible the forgiveness sins FOR ALL TIME#.-- [and]--
God COULD apply the value of Jesus' shed blood to Adams descendants--*
--He COULD** also adopt certain --humans "as sons"--"
# here wt admits that through the new covenant sin can be forgiven for all times, and
* of course for all, by (the lamb that takes away the sin of the world) and
**here comes the obfuscation:
COULD adopt-exclusive sons, the anointed (sealed), the faithful slave class, now reduced to 7. From simple possible forgiveness for all, through a double COULD, it ends up as the --'we, the Kings to come' are the exclusive sin-less bunch, through the new covenant. see?
from a deal about forgiveness for all, for all time, to
exclusively US at the pinnacle.
par. 11 : law covenant made obsolete by Jeremiah 31-- ? or fulfilled by Jesus?
you probably have better examples?