I don't think most truly understand it even after a while. I guess they might just say "well it is what jehovah says" and dismiss it. So in a since, a lot of witnesses are not confused because they do not even analyze anything in the magazines.
Today's wt "study" obfuscations
by prologos 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"Baffle them with bullsh!t." That seems to be that Watchtower way.
After all, this is the cult that brought you the "overlapping-generations" generation.
All I can say is that the looks on the faces of EVERY perosn in the audience in our hall during the study showed just how pointless and worthless such a study was! Self created fluff trying to sound like "deep and meaningful" contenet!
I swear, even the conductor was bored...
I sat there doing sound looking for ANYONE that seemed to be awake enough to ENJOY the study!
BUT...as soon as "AMEN" happened, THEN everyone came alive!
"Baffle them with bullsh!t." That seems to be that Watchtower way.
Way too funny! I know after I endured the WT study this morning one of the eldurrs commented about what a good lesson it was. I replied, "It sure was! I just haven't decided whether to be dazzled or baffled!" The blank look he gave me was priceless. He just didn't have a clue.
And none of it was of any concern to the vast majority of mankind at all! it promoted the legalistic, nit picking mentality so prevalent among the witnesses.
my mom told me to read this article for today. i havent had time to even log on to jw.org been with two, yes two, weiner puppies today.
when she called me and insisted that i read that article i told her that if i did and had scriptures to support My own logical undesrtanding of the subject, would she hear me out?
well, lets wait and see,
This snow job must have created a feeling of helplessness among the R&F, that is now told do just leave these complications alone.
I believe the GB is trying to maintain the stratification in the flock, increase the altitude of their Ivory tower.
Conspicious by its absence was the inclusion of the eternal covenant for a priesthoof with Aaron, the tribe of Levi.
That would have rounded out the picture of all JWs, the 12 tribes comprising Israel, and from among them, the kings and priests were selected, but all being true full-fledged Israelites. Instead
this study hammered home that only the (future) kings andd priests are (spiritua) Israelites, the 12 tribes are nobodies, low earthly life.
jws are pragmatist, they realize it really does not matter, but shows that even by bible standards, wt is wrong.
I find no matter how complex WTS theology is, you can always seem to pin it down to one or two sentences that have no bibical basis what so ever.
1. There is no such thing as " Spiritual Israel ".
2. No where does it say the member in the new covenant is limited.
The Old testament is the story of god and the jews and a series of convenants which made them gods people. Long story short the new testament is the story of the transfer of this convenant to the "church " the body of christ. Gods final arrangement with mankind to have a relationship with him though Jesus Christ. Believe it or not, that is the story of christianity
Clambake, very good point a a matter of fact reading Rev 7, it is clear that the 'Israel (of god)' is way bigger, then the sealed 144k, with its 12 big tribes out which onle 12 k are sealed. The 'Isreal of god' in the 'New Covenant' is huge, not an exlusive club.
Obfuscation is used to hide these simple bible basic ctitations.