After Six Months of Hiatus, I can tell you the Watchtower is Starting to Crumble Faster than you think!

by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    but if the persecution comes and is focused solely on the JWs,

    But its not this pedophilia problem was first started by the situations regarding the Catholic religion and not the JWS.

    That is recognized within the JWS community but what is now surprising to them is that their own religion has been hiding this problem as well

    in very apathetic way, resulting in these law suits.


    Essentially those Catholic law suits developed into supporting the JWS law suits as a founding template in the eyes of the courts.

    Unfortunately in the mindset of deluded JWS anything that attacks the organization gets conveniently used as a viable source of persecution.

  • OneEyedJoe

    This stuff with the sex-abuse suits certainly seems new and momentus to me...but I haven't been in the exJW community very long. It also seems unlikely that they'll get to the supreme court with it, since there's some pretty good precedent set by the catholics, and it doesn't look good for the WTS.

    That said, things always seem more exciting when you're living it right now - that's why there's end-times cults like the JWs in the first place. I'd really love to have the cult collapse around me so I don't have to worry about getting my wife out, but I'm certainly not holding my breath.


    The best way to limit the growth of Jwism is to educate non-JWS. An educated public will take care of the rest.


  • purplesofa

    I think I heard it was fast crumbling 10 years ago,,wouldn't get my hopes up just yet

  • NeverKnew

    The best way to limit the growth of Jwism is to educate non-JWS. An educated public will take care of the rest.

    As a non-jw - I absolutely agree with you. An educated non-JW can say much more than an ex-JW or JW who is in. I'm working on that....

    I've now got non-JWs approaching me who ask me to talk to their JW friends, neighbors and relatives. I may be too kind to do heavy handed cult extrication but just praying that one day the seeds grow.

  • kaik

    WT is not crumbling, but is rebranding. WT would prefer smaller, but loyal pack of followers, who would venerate the leadership and secure well off livelihood. They can care less if they have 10 millions members who are lukewarm to their ideology, but they care about having core that will ensure their survival. WT is a totalitarian organization. In totalitarian regimes, the government does not care much about annoymous masses, but cares about the grassroot of the loyal supporters. When WT is becoming larger, and diverse, it is harder to control people on global scale.

  • PaintedToeNail

    One of the reasons the Mormons have seen such increase is that they are ENRCOURAGED to have large families, while Jehovah's Witnesses are DISCOURAGED to have children at all. Children take away from the all important preaching work. I have known many JW's who really wanted to have kids, but postponed it until the "The New System" or "New World". The Borgs attitude towards having kids is now biting them on the butt.

  • prologos

    Painted TN, good observation. China had a reduced population growth policy too. Now they have proportionally too many men, JWs have too few.

  • smiddy

    The JW religion nowadays , especially in western lands is likened to a community of hillbillys that inbreed , what IQ they had at the beginning soon deteriolates to a low level .

    Their policys against higher education , silly rules and regulations on just about everything , not engaging with the youth they have and expecting them to adhere to old fashioned ideas , and expecting them to behave and act like very mature adults at such young ages , then all they are going to get is born ins with no people skills , no worldly experience ,and limited knowledge of the real world .They are becoming inbreds.


  • Apognophos

    As a non-jw - I absolutely agree with you. An educated non-JW can say much more than an ex-JW or JW who is in. I'm working on that....

    I've now got non-JWs approaching me who ask me to talk to their JW friends, neighbors and relatives. I may be too kind to do heavy handed cult extrication but just praying that one day the seeds grow.

    I think DATA-DOG was saying that the best approach is to educate non-JWs before they can be approached by JWs and become interested in the religion. Personally I don't acribe much likelihood of success to trying to "de-convert" existing JWs. It's more important to make sure that non-JWs know the aspects of the organization that are usually not told to Bible students before they commit to the religion.

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