I didn't ask for a movie shot from the soldiers, I was asking about that particular event you were describing. I know there are Christian terrorists, as I explained. Was there a link to a Christian group, symbol, message that the criminal used before, during, or as justification for his offenses that you mentioned?
I can't see your Battle Hymn video, but I think it was likely from a WWII movie. I remember my history, that was U.S. against Nazi Fascists. Nazi's used an ancient symbol, the swastica. They used it so terribly, they changed the world's view of it. It's a dirty symbol that signifies the killing of millions of Jewish people. Nazi's were terrorists who were searching for an Arian ideal and world domination. If a person killed anyone today, using a Nazi flag or swastica symbol, we'd say they are Fascist Terrorists, even though the Nazis and Hitler don't exist. It doesn't matter if it's a lone wolf, it's the motivation.
Yes, Christians and Europeans have been terrorists. You don't like it? If you don't, get your rear to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and go live in a goat loving country where the goats walk wierd and the women are black & blue. You don't have to be sillly sheep with us. And, don't let the door hit you in the butt if you decide to go.