My beautiful daughter (age 36) and my 6 year old grandson is still in this stinking religion and I will never quit my anti JW activities till I extricate everyone I can from the evil cult!
life after the wtbts
by Hortensia 31 Replies latest jw friends
I come here from time to time, see what BS my JW mom (43 years in and counting) is being fed.
I like to read of others journeys out, knowing I am not alone.
I read JWD in bed on the tablet so it's more tedious to post and correct inevitable tablet-driven typos.
The best revenge is living well.
And hey, yeah, I have one foot in the grave, and the other in the pain asylum. But I guaran-damn-tee you, that if I had my health, I wouldn't be hanging out online, arguing about Michael Whats-his-name or 1914. I'd be going to school, working, partying, whatever else ---- I'd be LIVING.
Well, I guess I came across as unloving. Sorry about that. But it's so sad to see people still wrapped up in the wtbts years and years after they've physically left it. I didn't find this site until many years after I left the wtbts, and I hang out to see what people are doing, hear some stories about personal achievements like Sooner becoming a nurse, that sort of thing. Plus, we all understand each other in a way that people who have never been JWs can't understand.
I left behind family, friends, everyone I had known for my entire life, all in one fell swoop. Worked out for me in the long run to just turn my back on it all, and on everyone who was still in. It was frightening, but necessary.
Ah, I guess I'm just an asshole sometimes.
There is life after WTBTS, and I am sure many are making the best of it. For many who have family still trapped they cannot be entirely free from the pain it has inflicted. Perhaps for others it is a form of therapy, a bit like Alcoholics Anonymous.
Don't worry Hortensia, I'm sure no one takes your O.P as being unloving, rather the opposite, you are simply trying to help others to move on to a better life.
The ideal is to become an ex-XJW, having moved out of the cult, you move on until it is no longer a part of you, save for being a distant painful memory.
I think many that leave achieve this quickly, witness the number who leave, post here for a month or two, and then move on, they have just used this place as a helpful Halfway House, and good for them.
For some, it is harder, with family in, to even leave, or having left, to totally shove the cult to the dark recesses of memory.
But, as dear Tal says, if we can, we need to LIVE ! , which means expunging as much of the effects of the cult as possible.
Unfortunately for some they face their JW past at every turn. Being shunned and stared at at the mall, shunned/treated badly at work, having JWs knocking at the door, being reminded of family theyve lost. Even just the PTSD all those years in a cult have caused. Its not a matter of just 'getting over it' for most of us. This is a much needed forum for everyone to vent and seek support not just those whove just left. No one can judge anothers motives or need for being here.
Your post Hortensia isnt taking into consideration that most people have moved on to better more exciting and fulfilling lives of happiness and contentment. I dont believe there would be anyone here that spends the whole day on JWN. Even if a person on here comes across as obsessive after leaving WT many yrs ago it doesnt mean they arent living a good useful life with lots of friends and good plans for the future. Fact is they may only spend an hour a week here on JWN.
Checking in on this site is how I stay up to speed on what is going on in the WTBS. I have parents and one brother still in and staying abreast on current issues allows me to have intellegent conversations with them without totally offending them. I don't post here as much as I just read, but many here have the opportunity to help and encourage others who may be in a unique situation close to their own. There are a lot worse things people could be spending their time on than being involved with this site.
All that said, I do believe that those who have gotten out of the WTBS need to move forward with something to help distance themselves from this distructive cult and fortify their belief. For me, that has been personal bible study using a legetimate translation of the bible and researching issues with all the materials I can find. I find great enjoyment and inspiration reading the scriptures without any strings attached. Whether you are still in, half-way in, or totally free of the WTBS, this site is a great resource for support and direction.
Coded Logic
Being an x-witness is a pretty unique thing. If you've ever tried to explain it to friends or co-workers they really just don't get what its like. It's nice to hear other peoples experiences and opinions. It's also interesting to hear about all the crazy stuff that is going on with the WT. I still have some friends and a family member inside so if I ever talk to them I want to have amo to plant the right seed.