Looking for Truth with a capital "T"?

by Terry 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry


    When will you own it?

    Stop begging for crumbs like a pigeon in the park!

    Nobody anywhere has TRUTH tied up with a red ribbon to hand to you so you

    can go skipping down the road with a smile!

    Get over that idea--it is a tragic lie.



    That is the wrong question!

    You are asking to be swindled, mind raped and abused.

    Is that what you want?

    Of course not.


    What is the point in YOU being alive if you are just going to join a group and be like everybody else?

    An ant in somebody's anthill--is that your dream?


    People make shit up and sell it as TRUTH.

    People who are dumber buy it and make it their world.

    We are born thinking we must swallow other people's truth.

    That is a lie.


    iNFORMATION falls into two large categories, generally.

    1. Things which sound like they work because they are exactly how we want them to be

    2. Things which DO work, but they don't appeal to us for one reason or another

    Guess which of the above MOST people choose?


    If you give a stupid and hungry man a fish--he will be fed for a day.

    If teach that same man how to fish for a living--he can feed himself and others for the rest of his life.



    Until you are 40 years old FORGET religious ideas! You don't need them because religious ideas are imagination

    and you live in a REAL world. You may as well watch cartoons and masturbate as far as being productive with that kind of life.


    Hard to hear but true. . .

    People with religious thoughts are sick in the head. Sometimes that sickness makes them smile when they should be crying.

    You can call it 'happiness' but it isn't.

    Whatever a sick person may touch has that sickness on it. Touch religion and you'll get sick too--count on it!

    Religion creates invisible persons you'll have to beg every day of your life.

    Religion creates invisible persons you'll have to fear every night of your life.

    Religion will teach you who to hate: everybody who doesn't think like you. This is the insanity our world is filled to the brim with.


    You want to be "good"?

    Help somebody build something. Visit a hospital or take a meal to an old person or a shut-in.

    Spend time talking to lonely people. Don't give them ANSWERS to life--just listen and nod.

    Plant a tree in a desolate landscape. Feed a stray animal.

    Don't pray for anybody because that is the most dishonest, phony help there is.

    I always tell people, "Don't pray for me--dance the Hokey Pokey, instead. It is just about as useful but more entertaining."

    In other words--stop trying to pretend you make a difference just because you recite some empty words to invisible people.


    A good life is a practical life.

    Learn something which is true and you'll be better for it because you can build, mend, invent, craft and shape a better life with it.

    Waste time memorizing invisible truth and your mind is like a rat's nest.


    I have met very few deeply religious people who weren't PIG IGNORANT about the real world!

    You know why? The real world stops mattering to them. A fake world is much nicer to learn about!

    If you hang out exclusively with pig ignorant people jibber-jabbering about a fake world--YOU WILL BE IGNORANT and FAKE, too.


    Get outside of your own head!

    Discard those ideas planted inside your mind that TRUTH is welfare from heaven.

    There is no heaven except in the arms of the person you'll love.

    There is a hell, however. Hell is real. It is the life of a true believer who trades every beautiful accomplishment

    in life by wasting their time on make-believe with a stupid smile on their ignorant face.


    Travel. Meet new people. Look around at the ENTIRE picture and not one tiny spot.

    People the world over are BASICALLY NICE. People are kind and happy and generous and beautiful--but you won't ever

    hear that if you talk to RELIGIOUS NUTS! They are trained to see only evil--and it makes the good vanish from their world.


    Build your own world.

    People it with sanity.

    Water it and nurture it and watch it grow.

    At the end of life, you'll look back on friends, family, people who admire you for all the help you've been.

    THAT is your heavenly reward.


    But whatever you do--don't go around empty-handed like a street beggar pleading for TRUTH.

    True things must be dug up with a strong shovel, a strong back and much sweat on your forehead.

    True things must be discovered, sorted, puzzled out and tested over and over and over.

    ONLY HONEST PEOPLE know what few true things are known.

    You know why?--they worked very hard to explore, test, refine, and demonstrate those small truths.

    Like what?

    A kind word spoken to a down-hearted person will brighten their life.

    It is impossible to be too generous to and old person.

    Everybody is better than you.

    Listening is the most difficult talent in life.

    See? So simple. So beautiful. So true.


    Throw your Bible, Koran, Pearl of Great Price, Astrology primer and voodoo mask in the dumpster, my friend.

    Civilization tried all that much and didn't get very far in the process. Don't join the jolly liars or the know-it-alls.

    Keep company with the simple folks with big curiosity and bigger hearts and you'll do just fine.


    Choose your life using your own brain and the result will be exactly what you have the strength and courage to build.

    I wish only the best for you, my friend!

    p.s. Nobody ever recognizes good advice when they get it for free.

  • SAHS

    Now that’s some advice you can take to the bank! Finally, some logical realism.

    “People make shit up and sell it as TRUTH. People who are dumber buy it and make it their world.”

    That’s an understatement. What I like to call the “excremental truth” – that is, the ever-present verbal/written mystical religious shit – has always been with us, from the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabharata, . . . oh, and the Bible, as well as the Talmud, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc. And kind of along those same lines, we have the current fringe beliefs of things like the sasquatch, Loch Ness monster, the abominable snowman, the Latin chupacabra (blood-sucking demon monster), green aliens who apparently had a hankering to crash-land in Roswell, New Mexico, etc., etc., etc. Yep, from astrology to numerology (and don’t forget pyramidology!) to so-called faith healers to crystal ball gazing, tarot card reading street charlatans – well, as one of my favorite expressions goes, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

    Now, myself – I just believe in (or at least now I do) the concept of a “Higher Power,” or “God,” as being simply the natural processes and functioning of the universe as a whole. Some people think of “God” as being simply Good Orderly Direction. I think that the reality of the “God” concept is really more of a purely mathematical phenomenon, somewhat akin to some form of mathematical “chaos theory.” But I do NOT believe in any mystical entity as a “divine being,” which so many people seem to keep stuck on. I think that people have some innate tendency to fabricate and anthropomorphize such a being, or deity, which is in fact just a projection of their own need, or at least yearning, for some all-wise, all-powerful father figure (I think Freud had that one right). But when you look at the history of humankind from a psychological, anthropological perspective, it become so obvious that people’s believe in a “God” is not coincidentally quite self-serving and rife with all the basic human defects of character – such as fear, pride, greed, and lust. After all, don’t all religious groups keep claiming, “We’re right, everyone else is wrong!” It’s always “us vs. them” – or at least “our god vs. your god.”

    As you said, Terry, “A good life is a practical life.” At the end of the day, it all boils down to, as you stated: Build your own world. People it with sanity. Water it and nurture it and watch it grow. At the end of life, you'll look back on friends, family, people who admire you for all the help you've been. THAT is your heavenly reward.” As the popular expression goes, “Some of the best things in life are free.” So many folks the world over squander so much of their lives striving for some ideal to put them in good stead with a made-up “afterlife,” while the real answer to the meaning of life has been right under their nose all along – I believe that the answer to the meaning of life is that there is NO such answer; the meaning of life is simply in the living of life one day, one moment at a time and enjoying the journey. It’s called “mindfulness.” And that, my friend, is the so-called big secret of it all. And that, as you so eloquently put it, is: “So simple. So beautiful. So true.”

  • JamesThomas

    Get outside of your own head!” Now there's some wisdom. Take the red pill.

    However, prostrating at the throne of the monkey-mind inside the head -- seems to continue unabated – now that it knows to just talk a little nicer and say things more agreeable to who we believe we are presently – a “me” that the mind also creates and defines.

  • Finkelstein

    Here is a thought provoking speech by Sam Harris defining what is Truth and believing in the unprovable.


  • JamesThomas

    Part 2

    Get outside of your own head!” Now there's some wisdom. Take the red pill...

    Right here, right now, without referencing, referring to, or consulting the mind – what are we really?

    What is right here – silent and aware – that has always been here when everything that can be removed can be?

    Gently and silently shift attention to the space outside the mind which is closer and more intimate than the mind and all its thoughts memories and beliefs. That, which observes all thoughts and phenomena that we call “life” and “self”.

    How deep does this silent aware space go? How deep down the rabbit hole?

    What are we, really?

    What is True?

  • RubaDub

    The Truth .... capital "T"


    Rub a Dub

  • Twitch

    Well said Terry. As always, thought provoking

    The only thing that I'd say is that religious people build hospitals and schools, feed the hungry and help others (not exclusively of course). Which may make altruism rather moot if motive as a result of belief need be factored. In other words, what does it matter who built the hospital?

  • JamesThomas

    Ever get the feeling you're only talking to yourself?

  • talesin

    JT Often. Perhaps those who are listening .... did not comment. ;)


  • Terry

    James Thomas: Ever get the feeling you're only talking to yourself?

    Only when I'm praying:)

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