cognizant dissonant: How does my saying a prayer or worrying about my children's struggles help them one iota? It doesn't. It is just a way to feel like you are doing something useful when in fact you are doing nothing useful to help a situation.
When people say true things, those who listen flinch and turn away in disgust. I don't blame them. This life can be very hard indeed if
you disrespect reality and insist on fantastic mind-sturbation instead. But, the quicker we acknowledge the way things work the better
prepared we will be for what comes.
I developed a mind experiment one day.
I'll share it with you.
Three men are sitting quietly on a long park bench facing forward with no expression on their faces.
Each person looks as normal as normal can be. In fact, you wouldn't look twice if you passed them.
Now here is where the experiment begins. . .
1. One of these men is in the last stages of brain cancer and today he is calming himself before suicide by gazing on the
faces of the living, the beauty of nature he'll leave behind, and reflecting on his memories of triumph and despair.
2. The second man is wearing an explosive vest which he will detonate at the stroke of noon when crowds are surrounding him
walking their dogs, playing with their children, sunning the newborns, and planning their future.
3. The third man is about to donate a lung and kidney so that his 19-year-old daughter can survive. The wait for other donors
is at end and today is the last possible moment a transplant could be effective.
Since there is nothing remarkable about appearances, how would YOU know which was which if you casually passed by?
What is the point of this mind experiment?
It was to remind me how the essential truth hides from our eyes so easily at every moment.
That park looks so warm, safe and inviting--and it is--except for what is hidden.
Those men appear so normal--and they are--except for personal circumstances, beliefs, bad luck and heartfelt passions.
Each of us, at a mature age, and with some experience at life is--no matter how clever we are--IGNORANT about life and people.
Anything can happen at any time any place we are.
OUR OWN LIFE must be kept orderly and purposeful--as though we must depart quickly.
1. Have you told the people you love how much you love them? BETTER DO SO NOW.
2. Have you sorted out your "things" as to who should receive them when you go? Do you even have anything worth leaving?
3. Do you know who will be most pleased and most hurt when you die?
4. Can you speak two sentences filled with your finest accomplishments?
5. Did your life MATTER? Why?
You see? We are all somewhere in that park and it is always ten minutes till noon.
That is the real 'truth.'
Each of us could be any one or all of those men on the bench at some odd moment in our life!