So I am the weird case that I still believe in the Jehovah's Organization. There are a couple of things that stop me from going. Is there anyone else out there that still believes? Look forward to hearing from you guys.
Looking for others that maybe gay or questioning
by dewey79 21 Replies latest jw friends
You probably need to be a little more specific about what you want to discuss, otherwise it looks like a troll job.
Hi Dewey, nice to meet you.
What country are you from?
What exactly do you believe in about the Organization?
What did Jesus say about gays?
Look forward to hearing from you guys.
dewey ...
Do you mean guys, gays, or those who check both boxes?
Rub a Dub
I believe there is a site for gay JWs/ex JWs, although I dont know what it is.
But why torture yourself? You are gay, accept that and find a religion that accepts you the way you are, if you feel you need religion. I have read many accounts of JWs that tried for years to not be gay, it inevitably fails no matter how hard they try.
The Watchtower is not the answer.
I'm in the united states. It doesn't matter what box you check, looking for like-minded individuals. I am interested in looking for people that still believe. I know that things have changed since the last time I went. But I believe in most of the teachings. In regard to what they teach about homosexulity that I do not agree with. I do not think that it is wrong. I did not grow up as a JW, but started studying when I was about 15. I had gone to church all my life and it opened up a lot of things. I have a different prespective I guess since I did not grow up as one. Just like all the other "religions" they all have their faults. Jehovah's witnesses are no different. I do not have an issue with being gay. I have heard stories of those that stay in it and continue along. Anyways, I am looking for people that do have the same issues that I have and would like to chat. :)
I have a different prespective I guess since I did not grow up as one. Just like all the other "religions" they all have their faults. Jehovah's witnesses are no different. I do not have an issue with being gay. I have heard stories of those that stay in it and continue along.
Dewey, being gay AND being one of JWs just quite simply isn't really possible. There has long been a term at Bethel, NPG -- Non-Practicing Gay -- someone who struggles with SSA, but does not act on it. Recently this was criticized by a member of the GB. You are supposed to put on the new personality and not even dwell upon such ideas/passions/desires. (Based on Jesus' command to not even commit adultery in one's heart.)
At this point in time, I would suggest you set aside your issue with the acceptance (or not) of sexual orientation and examine the doctrines and history of the religion. There are much greater issues if your desire is to present yourself as one worshipping "in spirit and truth" of the Almioghty.
Best wishes,
There's lots of us exjws gays around here.
There's a facebook group
And a web site
If your looking for people who are gay and still in I can't help you.
I stopped believing in myths and fairy tales when I was a child.
Hello dewey79. I was raised and baptised into the Jehovah's witness religion. However, from the age of 11 I began to realise that I was gay and suppressed it whilst getting baptised and serving as a pioneer. I eventually decided to leave the religion when I was 22 and was disfellowshipped 2 years later for being in a gay relationship. If you would like to chat about anything then feel free to pm me and I will gladly chat. I'm in the UK.