Hi Everyone.
As I think about all the conversations and laughs I've had here over the last six months, it makes me smile. There are some very genuine, loving people here and I wish you all a wonderful future no matter what you choose to do.
Although I have had some terrible experiences with the witnesses, I can't ignore what I feel. I love Jehovah and if I have to associate with the WTBTS so be it! I accept their flaws - they are MEN after all (hehe). My only hope is that the Silent Lambs issue makes them wake up and see just how unfair their policies are.
I'm learning to be a patient person, relying on Jehovah to help me get thru. The bible is a great comfort no matter which version you read - Jah's kingdom promise is dominant in each one. I do not believe he is a cruel God, he created us out of love and I know our suffering hurts him....he has his plan...we're just a little impatient as a whole!
I still have a lot of questions and doubts and I'm working thru these slowly - mostly with your help. Like: Didn't Job and Jesus prove Jah's sovereinty? If it only took two to mess it up - shouldn't these two have nulified the whole thing? And why is all of humankind suffering for two peoples mistakes - seems heartless to me.
But then I analyze it...Jah wouldn't want his sovereignty questioned again so he is making sure we never forget what it was like NOT to be under his rule. Remember we have never experienced what it is like to live in a world that Jah governs. The only ones who did experience it were Adam and Eve - they being perfect and couldn't even appreciate or respect his authority.
Jah never wanted us to know such a vile thing as evil and yet here we are blaming him for all the evils of the world!
I cannot blame God...for me that's a cop out. I only blame one person for my pain...sick pervert who killed the child in me. And I hold fast to the hope that Jah will fix my pain - Rev 21:4. I have prayed earnestly and hard to him to take the pain of the memories away and I truly feel he has. I don't think about it as much and when I do, the knife doesn't dig in so deep. Reading other accounts deeply saddens me. I wish no one had to suffer the way some children over the ages have!!!!! If I could take all the pain away, I would! How much more so Jah is itching to do it!
So I have decided to depart from this board. Although I've fallen in luv with a lot of you guys - yer just so sweet - I'll miss you. I can't ignore however, the bitter, twisted individuals who's only joy in life is to put others down to make themselves feel better. It's a false sense of security and I fear a fall is likely soon for them!
I wish so many of you the best and I will pop back in here every so often to make sure you are all going well!!!
BitterM: I hope yer still going strong girl!
Naeby: Smart arse - loveable smart arse - always good for a chuckle, a slap in the face or an arse wiggle
BeckMelbourne: Luv ya mmmmaaaaattttteeeeee!
Lilacs, Dutchie, Flower, Imbue, Plmkrzy, Celia, Celtic - yer sweeties - please stay that way!!!!
DakotaRed: Thanx for the help! that goes for you too Yadirf, Teejay, Marilyn, Syn, Hyghlandyer.
Dungbeetle: Try not to read too much into things (goes for my posts only!)
Gilwarrior: You're in my prayers. I hope your depression doesn't get the better of you. You're a lovely guy and deserve only the best the world has to offer!
AGuest - thanx for your point of view - very refreshing.
ButalBee: Girl...I love that mouth of yours!
Farkel: You know I luv you too! Thanx for pulling me up now and then!
Ok....take care everyone and I wish you all the best.
Luv Vi.