Vi's Essay......

by VioletAnai 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    hi violet, if you don't like arguing, how come you want to worship god through an organization that goes door to door arguing? you find it easier to argue with people at the door, ones who don't know how to refute jw propaganda?
    you say you love jehovah? and that's why you must leave?
    that's funny, i thought if you loved jehovah you would do what jesus did, talk to everyone, and keep friendships going.

    remember now violet, the pharisees claimed they had "the truth" too!
    but their fruit proved that they didn't have god's spirit.
    why do you want to hang out in an organization that doesn't have god's spirit?

  • cellomould
    But then I analyze it...Jah wouldn't want his sovereignty questioned again so he is making sure we never forget what it was like NOT to be under his rule. Remember we have never experienced what it is like to live in a world that Jah governs. The only ones who did experience it were Adam and Eve - they being perfect and couldn't even appreciate or respect his authority.

    Hi Violet,

    Do you see the holes in the above logic? There are more than I could mention here. Please give it an honest look.

    This here is a real paradox and no amount of rationalizing or justifying can get around it (of course not, because you only come back to where you started):

    "we never forget what it was like NOT to be under his rule."

    We can't have it both ways. Is Satan ruling, or is Jehovah ruling? Isn't the 'vindication of Jehovah's name' supposed to be the time when He comes and shows that He was really the one in control the whole time????

    And if Satan is ruling the world, why are a precious few then allowed to 'be ruled by Jehovah' right now? Is it just a distorted fantasy of the WT leaders that Satan controls all of the world but Jehovah leads them?

    Give some thought to this. What if Satan is just a scapegoat?

    Have you ever wondered why he appears in only the first chapter of Job (and only one other place in the OT)?

    Why is he then so prevalent in the NT? Is it because he didn't exist in the belief system until much later?

    Finally, read Jude verses 8-13. Then research the explanation for this 'dispute'. Is it supported by any other scriptures?


    "My toes taste really good" J.R. Brown

  • Farkel


    : But then I analyze it...Jah wouldn't want his sovereignty questioned again

    Oh, come on now! He's a big God. He can handle puny little humans doing that!

    : so he is making sure we never forget what it was like NOT to be under his rule.

    How is he doing that?

    : Remember we have never experienced what it is like to live in a world that Jah governs.

    No one has.

    : The only ones who did experience it were Adam and Eve - they being perfect and couldn't even appreciate or respect his authority.

    Oh, except in fairy tales, that is?

    I wish you the very best, Violet. I'd be willing to bet you don't last as a JW, though. You know too much about the WTS religion and even more importantly, you've learned or re-learned to think and analyze issues a lot more clearly in the last several months. One cannot stay a dub and also be a clear thinker without having a tortured conscience.

    Yep. You won't last long as a dub!


  • Beck_Melbourne


    I have followed your path from a questioning bible student to a fully fledged defender of the JW faith. I have also seen you struggle to establish your existence on this board despite the fact that you were turning very 'pro' JW. I must say some of your announcements have come with a bit of an uproar at times LOL...I would sit here and scratch my head in wonderment at you MANY times

    Vi, I don't agree with your choice...but that's just me...I have my reasons. I also feel that if I knew before, what I know now, I would never have become a JW...and I would never wasted all those take a moment to reflect on your choices.

    All the best email is always open to you - and if things don't work out in know where to find us.


    ps...I'm gonna beat you to Jedi....yippeeee!!!!

  • ChiChiMama

    Farkle ,
    I agree.He knows too much plus I think one or two experiences in service now after all theis press coverage and Dateline will be enough to bring our ole friend back.

    I only wish you happiness.I hope to see you back.


  • tdogg

    Okay but last time you were leaving we smoked one more big fatty for the road and here you still are. I guess I better light up another to see you off...

  • LB

    Ummm, haven't we done this a few times already????

    I hope you get the attention you want Vi. Be happy.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • SPAZnik

    All the best, VioletAnai.


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