But then I analyze it...Jah wouldn't want his sovereignty questioned again so he is making sure we never forget what it was like NOT to be under his rule. Remember we have never experienced what it is like to live in a world that Jah governs. The only ones who did experience it were Adam and Eve - they being perfect and couldn't even appreciate or respect his authority.
Hi Violet,
Do you see the holes in the above logic? There are more than I could mention here. Please give it an honest look.
This here is a real paradox and no amount of rationalizing or justifying can get around it (of course not, because you only come back to where you started):
"we never forget what it was like NOT to be under his rule."
We can't have it both ways. Is Satan ruling, or is Jehovah ruling? Isn't the 'vindication of Jehovah's name' supposed to be the time when He comes and shows that He was really the one in control the whole time????
And if Satan is ruling the world, why are a precious few then allowed to 'be ruled by Jehovah' right now? Is it just a distorted fantasy of the WT leaders that Satan controls all of the world but Jehovah leads them?
Give some thought to this. What if Satan is just a scapegoat?
Have you ever wondered why he appears in only the first chapter of Job (and only one other place in the OT)?
Why is he then so prevalent in the NT? Is it because he didn't exist in the belief system until much later?
Finally, read Jude verses 8-13. Then research the explanation for this 'dispute'. Is it supported by any other scriptures?
"My toes taste really good" J.R. Brown