Governing Body at Bethel and their daily routine

by Tenacious 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mum

    I know very little about the GB and their habits. I do know that JWdom has changed drastically since I left. The GB are moving to the country and seem to be spending a lot on amenities that are not available to the rank and file. Instead of being grateful to the rank and file for their free ride, they just keep asking for more and more money - quite a change!

    Similarly, U.S. Congresspeople are also in the pockets of those with plenty of money to share with them.

    I don't believe the GB live the opulent lifestyle of a Joel Osteen or Jimmy Swaggart, but they do seem more out of touch with the real world than JW leaders of the past and don't seem to care about the suffering of sexually molested children in the interest of protecting their "reputation" and image.


    Seriously, APOG !?! You don't believe the GB live great lives with health insurance, plenty of food, plenty of clothes, travel, adoration, power, without the "normal" worries that surround those subjects for the rank and file JW?? Granted the Pedo cases are probably stressful.

    I'm not saying they don't have rigorous schedules, ( the topic at hand ) I am just saying they are celebs and have TONS of perks.


  • Fulano2

    I think it's about time DD shows up with Some examples, numbers and not " I believe", or that they eat three meals a day, or go to a doctor when they are sick, I mean what could you expect, starvation? And they have a Chevrolet for transportation (cheapest of the cheapest, I have used one twice white werking their).

    I showed you Some examples of their clothing, but you just keep saying the same thing, plenty of clothes, plenty of clothes. Can't you see the " one size fits all" suits are the cheapests of the cheapest? Even I had better suits when being a missionary having a excellent third world bespoke taillor as a bible study. What's a golden ring? 300 € thing. Maybe from their parents.

    Show me the Bentleys, BMW's, the Borelli's, the Savil Road's bespokes or just stop talking. By keep saying things like this you make apostates look like fools.

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    I don't believe they have money. They probably don't care about that. What they have is POWER. Looking from the outside this generation of GB seems to be lording their power over the flock more than past generations. Some of them are probably truly genuine and nice people. Just clueless. Others are probably total pricks.

  • EdenOne

    My perception is that they don't care much about money - because they have no anxiety whatsoever about getting it, in the first place, since every possible material need they have is provided for - and they don't have the personal ambition to become wealthy men, as that would be too visible before the R&F, and it would endanger what they really care for - power over other people's lives. It's that power that drives the contributions to keep the organization going, which, in turn, allows them to be finantially provided for, which in turn .... it's a cycle. The trip that gets them high is really the power, the control.



    Fulano2, when the organization is transparent to its members, then we can all have the numbers. You showed a few pictures, that's true. They deal more with taste in clothing IMO. Using Fred as an example is pretty lame. His lumberjack shirt fetish doesn't prove the rest of the GB, then or now, dress poorly.

    I NEVER said the drive BMWs or other fancy cars around. You made that up. My point is they life a GREAT life from the standpoint of having all their needs met. Also, every JW that I know WORSHIPS these guys and the ORG. They have tremendous power and influence, nice, clean places to live, plenty of food, on site volunteer barbers, doctors, dentists, dry cleaning, ect. Can you prove that statement false?

    Edenone, thank you. Your comment mirrors my thoughts exactly. This is not the real topic of the OP and we are straying, but I never said the GB were rolling in cash. They simply don't have to EVER worry about their needs being met. They don't have the worries that people in the real world have. Even so, they constantly solicit funds.


  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - " Just watch The 144,000 Club!! ( JW TV ). Check out the suits and gold rings!"


  • Fulano2


    No I don't deny they have food, Barbers, shoemakers and medical atention when needed, but doesn't every Bethelite and missionary have that? That's because they are dedicaties to this work which has No salary. You were the one that put them in a financial higher position than the average, not me. If you talk about worries about daiky stuff, that's the same for missionary and bethelites. Do they attract more atention? Yes! Would you like that? Not me. I showed two pictures but there are many more, I met most of them, even had Losch in our missionary home be ause an old german in our home was a Gilead student in the same class. He is easy, likes his schnapps, stayed in our humble missionary home and had shabby shoes and clothes. But if you don't wish to believe me, so it is.

  • Apognophos

    DATA-DOG, you are bouncing all over the place in your position. First you tell us to look at their suits and gold rings, which as Fulano pointed out, are not actually impressive or a sign of wealth. Then you ask me if I deny that the GB live comfortable lives, but of course I don't deny that. You were asserting they were wealthy, weren't you? If not, I have no idea what you are arguing about. In your last post you seem to be backing down to "Well, they have their needs met." Okay? They don't live what anyone could call a luxurious lifestyle by first-world standards. It's a very vanilla, basic-cable life for them in their little apartments. You probably live better than they do, even if you do have to pay a few bills that they don't.


    Whoa take it easy on the NYC bashing people, its a great city.

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