What would have happened if Eve sinned and Adam did not? Would Eve have died right away and God give Adam a new wife? What does the WTS say about sin, does the man's genes cancel out the sin in the woman?
wt March 1, 2015 Cover
by wifibandit 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
It looks like a collage of heads from different paintings.
Apognophos -
That's exactly what it is.
Years ago there was a WT rendering of a little Asian girl (about 4-5 years old) , in that giddy thrall of innocent delight, that makes children so adorable. Her face was absoluely radiating joy and excitement - suppossedly about something portrayed in the WT drawing.
A while later, I was leafing through old National Geographics and there was the identical NG photograph of the same little girl - she had been photographed watching kites flying in the Asian skies.
A superb photo (as are all NG pics) of childhood glee.
Ha, funny. But yes, these heads are not all painted in the same style, in the same light, and do not seem to be standing on the same ground at the same angle. It's disconcerting to look at. I wonder if we can find all these faces in prior publications.
edmond dantes
I swear that's not Jesus it's more like K
edmond dantes
I swear thats not Jesus it's Kenny Rogers grandad!
So, Jesus gets old...ummmm....and has grey hair...so we will be re-newed but not he or his Dad...maybe the grey hair is a sign of maturity...would the sheep follow a young man...
&&& He has a beard too....someone is going to have to take Jesus to the back room to be counselled.....no beards & no long hair, Jesus....I know you are God's son & all, but that's a no no....
Wonder if a reader would ever but JW's say....in the new system, we will never get old...
If Adam didn't sin & God replaced Eve...we would all be naked & happy....