wt March 1, 2015 Cover

by wifibandit 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wifibandit

    Clean shaven Jesus!

  • westiebilly11

    ..brilliant covers you guys!....

  • Jeannette

    Does anyone see any subliminals in the clouds, on his hands, or on his face?

  • sowhatnow

    you guys are so funny.

    gee what nationality were mary and joseph that they had such a fair skinned son

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    what nationality were mary and joseph that they had such a fair skinned son

    They were really caucasians living in Yonkers.

    My, what a close shave Jesus has. He's obviously an Atra man.

  • Heaven

    All the men except Jesus are clean shaven.

  • Awakenednow

    Ummm I was wondering if anyone noticed the creepy faces by Jesus left shoulder and right hand along with the phallic cloud above his outstretched right arm . weird?

  • stuckinarut2

    "Jesus Saves"


    The cover looks more like "shiny happy people" REM music video style!

    Or, some sort of freaky horror movie with a league of possesed people chasing down their next victim?

    HANG ON....That is EXACTLY what it is!

  • Jeannette

    Ajax, if they stole that picture from National Geographic, isn't that copyright infringement or something. They stold a picture of a beaufiful woman in the water from a Sports magazine and put it in with other pictures of women in the water and the demons looking on in glee. I think they got in trouble for that.

    And Jesus right hand looks like a subliminal of Pan or a man's statue face or a monkey. Something evil about a religion that stoops to subliminals.

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