Watchtower 'Experts' on Being Gay?

by jw07 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jw07

    Have you seen this article?

    The Watchtower is trying to be experts on all things having to do with human sexuality.

    Repressing sexual desires, gay or straight only creates more problems.

  • steve2

    It is a woefully simplistic and inadequate consideration of the complex topic of human sexuality. It slips uneasily between breezy reassurance - hey, young ones, this is likely a passing phase - to comparisons with heterosexuals who are not married and must flee fornication. The language in the brief article differs from the judgemental headers where the phrase 'degraded view of sexuality' is used. I suspect it was composed by more than one writer and at a later stage of completion, a senior writer dialled up the condemnatory language.

    Hopefully, young ones with even a few active brain cells will see through the pencil-thin 'reasoning' and have the wherewithal to come to terms with their sexuality. The internet contains a wealth of very considered - and less intellectually insulting - material on human sexuality without the convenient charged language.

  • fulltimestudent

    Youre right, Steve. The site is pure 'propaganda' that is highly dependent on hot-button words.


    Is it cruel of God to tell someone who is attracted to the same sex to avoid homosexuality?

    The statement fails to explain the inconsistency of a god, who supposedly, in a few texts, forbids same sex activity and yet created animals, who according to his "inspired" word, act by god-implanted instinct, and yet have sex with other animals of the same sex. Not on just a few occasions, but consistently over long periods. Will this god destroy the animals who behave like that, when he implanted that desire (according to their theology)?

    And again from the JW web-site"

    If you answered yes to that last question, you should know that such reasoning is based on the flawed notion that humans must act on their sexual impulses.

    Notice. They say something is 'flawed', and do not attempt to demonstrate why it is 'flawed.' That is an attempt to use a loaded word to in fluence theri argument. They can only say the bible says it is, and so the argment goes round and around.

    The Bible dignifies humans by assuring them that they can choose not to act on their improper sexual urges.

    Two words used here without proof of the claim. I'm sure no-one needs me to explain. It's a typical WT way of conducting an argument.

    So when, David had sex with his many wives, was he 'acting on improper sexual urges?' Not to mention Solomon and his 1000 women?

    It demonstrates how flawed the thinking of Jehovah's witnesses really is.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I always find it interesting how modern religions have difficulty handling the subject of sexual relations. They fail to see the subject as natural and encompassing a wide range of acceptable experiences. I am not speaking of extremes such as institutionally enforced celibacy or religious leaders who are guilty of sexual abuse but of the Church's inability to treat the subject maturely and to get out of areas where it has no role.

    How do they relate to people born with both male and female genitalia? How do they relate to people whose internal genetic makeup is of one sex while their body is that of the other sex?

    How can a person's sexuality be considered a "sin"?


  • SoJo16

    The only way to avoid fornication is to get married. So in all the states where same sex marriage is legal, if two same sex brothers get legally married, can't d'f them for fornication.


    The whole issue is watchtarded.

    So "GOD" allowed Satan to corrupt the human family, thereby setting a chain of events in motion that would make possible the genetic abnormalities that make people "Gay", per WTBTS dogma. To have Jeehoober's favor, you must suppress the inclinations that your "sinful" nature dictates. Hmmm... Ooookaayy?!?!

    The WTBTS has seen the writing on the wall. Retain the youth, or face extinction. They know the "END" is never coming. A generation of gay friendly JWS is NOT good.


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Your comment about the force that a piece of paper has reminded me of my paternal grandparents. (I know this story is a total distraction, but it is informative).

    My grandparents lived during the Austria-Hungary empire. Austria does not recognise religious marriages; it only recognises civil ceremonies conducted under the auspices of the State. That situation did not interest my Jewish Grandparents: they were fully satisfied that their union had been blessed by their Rabbi.

    But as far as the State was concerned, they were not legally married and the Birth certificates of their first 3 children were marked as "illegitimate". Finally, in 1907, when she was carrying their 4th child, they bowed to the State's pressures and they went through a civil ceremony in Vienna. Their children's certificates were retrospectively amended.

    It was not unknown for a Jewish couple to go through a civil ceremony after having lived together for 60 years after receiving their Rabbi's blessing. My gradmother was permanently listed as illegitimate because her mother died before her parents had a civil ceremony, only a religious one by their Rabbi.

    The power of the State; the power of a piece of paper.

    I suppose the legal situation is not dissimilar for modren same-sex couples when it comes to passing on the estate of a deceased partner, or regarding the legal status of their children. Although I think that is addressed in the State where I live, even though same-sex unions are not legal here in Oz.


  • DarioKehl


    heterosexuals who must also "flee from fornication" still have the option to eventually marry. Gays do not. they never address this! Have a follow-up article every 2 years with advice on how to cope with knowing you must remain celibate for the rest if your life. But, they won't. On to the next article about "wholesome hobbies."

  • LostGeneration

    Like data dog likes to say....extremely Watchtarded!

  • steve2

    Worse yet, at least the heterosexualwho is upset with their sexual urges he or she" knows" they are not abnormal or degraded. What torment it is for non-heterosexuals to experience sexual urges that are contrary to "nature". It is a template for self-rejection and wishful thinking. JWs who are non-heterosexual deserve better than superficial treatment.

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