*** w09 4/15 p. 4 par. 7 Job Held High the Name of Jehovah ***
Then, three men arrived—Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar—ostensibly to offer Job comfort. Instead, they used deceptive reasoning and proved to be “troublesome comforters.” For example, Bildad suggested that Job’s children had engaged in wrongdoing and deserved their fate. Eliphaz insinuated that Job’s suffering was punishment for past sins. He even questioned whether those who keep integrity are of any value to God! (Job 2:9, 11; 4:8; 8:4; 16:2; 22:2, 3)
*** w06 8/15 p. 27 par. 9 “You Have Heard of the Endurance of Job” ***
Above all, we must never see our problems as certain evidence of God’s displeasure. Such a misunderstanding hurt Job at a time when he was being assailed by the harsh words of his would-be comforters. (Job 19:21, 22) The Bible assures us with these words: “With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” (James 1:13)
---------I used the false comforters discussion with an elder and how they were like Job's three "friends"