so, I'm visiting family this week who are all jws. Yesterday, it started with one of them talking about a CO giving her some points on time keeping for service. She is now writing a letter before she drives to service, so she can count her drive time. My reaction, so freaking lame. We aren't trying to preach to others using our time to the fullest, we are finding ways to "cheat" hours. I mean, really. Does God really give a crap if you drive to service and count your time? Who comes up with these arbitrary numbers and rules? It's so stupid! And everyone just goes with it.
my second item. A friend made a comment about not being able to find the Daniel book on anymore. His wife said, "maybe it's because they are changing it". Everyone said," oh yeah, that must be it" and moved on. Not one question of why the hell is it being changed... Just complete acceptance in the org. Sickening and sad.
that is all.