@mikey the Daniel book was not on jw.org
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by mikeypants 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The society is made up of folks who have a need to be patted on their backs...see me syndrome...I went out for x amount of hours...they can't wait to tell someone...The problem is that it's a man made religion....changes are happening...the friends may be getting disheartened, with so many changes...all organizations to this...it's to perk up the masses...to make them feel that they still matter...it's to keep us busy we won't see the changes...Like I think, they are ready to give Jesus his real props....just look at our literature...yep, I think many readers have written the society & said....You have it wrong...it's about Jesus...Yes, Jehovah sent him, but Jesus did the job....doesn't the bible say he is the way...there is a change coming..& counting time is just another way to blind side us, well not me...I know TTATT...plus I work for corporate america...they are tricky...so when the tricks come...you see them...when we couldn't get the bible because there were none to be had...I said...Ummm...new bible coming...you should have seen the looks...It's all about the hours for the org. or should I say it's about the #'s...& what type of person is attracted to a religion that is so into hours, #'s....ummm...I was attracted to the peace of mind that the bible brings me...they taught me the real truth about the bible...so I'm not sure how long I'll be there...Many are in the org. because it's a sense of belonging....Pioneers are pioneers, because they have a competitive spirit & much rather pioneer than be nice to a friend...
Marvin Shilmer
The time hedging thing always amazed me.
One CO recommended a pioneer stop by a local laundromat and leave a magazine on her way to meetings for field service at the KH. The laundry was downstairs from her apartment. The KH was nearly a 1-hour drive. When she met at the KH guess where publishers would always be sent for FS (in order to help out the pioneer sister who would otherwise have to put even more miles on her auto!)? Yep. Right back to her neighborhood. She clocked 2 hours just coming and going.
So inefficient, and such a waste of time, talent and resources. And it had nothing whatsoever about loving your neighbor as yourself.
One of the then publishers who'd regularly make the trip to sister-pioneer's neighborhood (to help her out!!!) turned out to be a pedophile. He was looking for victims in FS. This was back in the early 1970s. Those kids had no idea the advice of a CO helping a pioneed hedge her hours was in the chain of events that led to their exposure.
Marvin Shilmer
Another anecdote:
CO comes to town telling publishers “It’s not about the time”.
Next CO comes to town telling elders “Congregation hours are down. What’s going on?” He then gives speeches during meetings for FS about how to “start” your hours using clever rationalizations (like writing a note to leave at a not-at-homes just before you leave home to come to the KH for FS, and dropping a magazine somewhere enroute to meetings for GS). All this is shared under the rationale of “making your time count” (meaning: find a way to get your hours up with clever ways of soothing your consciences).
Next CO comes to town telling publishers “It’s not about the time”.
And it goes on…
Sadly, as long as there are people who NEED others to tell them how to worship a deity, there will be religious gurus.
All this is shared under the rationale of “making your time count”
There's nothing inconsistent there. You just assumed that the object of the sentence was time (as in make your time as productive as it can be) when in reality the object of the sentence was "time count" - make (fabricate) your "time count" i.e. the numbers that you put on the timeslip. That's exactly what they encourage you to do.
The odd thing, though, is that ALL JWs know that they do this, and know that most other JWs do this too. But somehow when they see the yearly report for all the billions of (fruitless) hours spent "in the ministry" (which somehow also includes building compounds for cult leaders) none of them realize that the numbers are the sum of fabrications, and therefore fabrications themselves. Aggregating meaningless data doesn't somehow impart any meaning to it.
Next CO comes to town telling publishers “It’s not about the time”.
If it wasn't about the time then there would be no reason to write out notes to Not-At-Homes. Write it ONE TIME on the computer and print 100. Next month print 100 more. OH! But then you can't count the time for writing out 100 notes.
If it wasn't about the time then there would be no reason to write out notes to Not-At-Homes. Write it ONE TIME on the computer and print 100. Next month print 100 more. OH! But then you can't count the time for writing out 100 notes.
Yeah, no kidding. That was one of my longest held frustrations with the time counting system - it promotes inefficiency. If people used a similar system for their jobs in which they merely counted their hours on the job and no one ever actually looked at individual results, we'd still be living in the dark ages.
As a rule, the piousneer trust fund elderettes got first crack at all the outlying territory maps.
The poor regular pio girls who had to work for a living got stuck with all the territories close to the hall and in the shady parts of town.
Feel the love?
I rarely go out in service anymore, just enough to keep somewhat under the radar and when I'm dragged out by a family member. I agree mikeypants, "freaking lame."