Some of my wife's relatives are going. from what I gather they are being asked to lie and say they are going on tourist visa when they are actually going over there to preach.
Campaign to Israel
by humanperson 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I know there was a letter read about this in the past year but since then I haven't heard any witnesses at my hall discussing it. Not even a peep.
I'd say the bigger danger is naive JWs getting lynched for tossing the ineffable Name around in the wrong neighborhoods.
Cold Steel
They are going.... to be persecuted....they haven't been persecuted in a long time because most folks don't care if you are a witness....but think of this...while they are there...they may find out about 607 BC...ah, maybe God is intervening & sending them there to show 607 BC....Or...God did say, when the Jews come back & believe in Jesus, that's when he'll maybe the witnesses don't know that they will be doing God's will. Because the society feels that the Jews have been cut off, but not....
Well, I, for one, will be very impressed when they go to a Muslim country and offer their heads for the cause! And if they go to Israel and try to convert them, they'll find themselves not welcome in a hurry. Their country, after all, depends on military conscriiption and service, and teaching young men that they can't become military or police isn't going to go over very well. Also, if they even mention that 607 B.C. stuff, they'll be laughed out of Dodge. People are a lot more educated over there than here, and while they might get a lot of clueless Americans to buy off on that, there are many historians, archeologists and scripture students over there. And if they begin explaining Hebrew to these educated Israelis, they're going to be branded as nut cases. But who knows? It may help them in the end.
I reckon these missionaries are going to have to find out for themselves. If they so much as smile at someone, they'll be turned in for preaching Christianity. It's not tolerated.
Right on....I think it's a bit arrogant of them to choose for JW's to go to Israel. They are thinking....ah, wait 'til they hear our good news..I agree they are very intelligent over there. I always wondered how I could contact someone in Israel to find out the real date...but don't know where to start. Not that I would share it with any of the friends, because they are brainwashed, they would be ignorant enough to say, them Jews in Israel what do they know....
Just imagine knocking on a door & saying some of the stuff they say....would I love to be a fly on the wall...Those folks there know their history...Most of them would say, so, how did you come up with will be interesting to see how this plays out...I just hope no one gets hurt.....
I really think the society doesn't realize what they are asking...wait a minute, yes they do, they want to be persecuted.
We'll just have to see...thanks for replying.
They are trying to connect with the dirtiest energy on the planet so they can feed into it, feed the angels, and empower joke-hova to bring communism to every corner of the universe including all the planets beyond the "limit" where we can see. You place as much as a waste of paper with a high ranking rabbi, that thing will use black magick to spread whatever deprivations and hardships you are, or have ever, experienced to the whole population. That working may be months to years removed from the placement. Meanwhile, if you are not experienced, especially if you are dragged back under threats of Seroquel and place that waste of paper, they can showcase it at the Grand Boasting Session. Result: Many who "only" masturbated or "only" listened to "bad" music will reform so joke-hova can use them next time.
I have a better idea if you really want excitement. If you can afford to waste the money on this disgraceful trip, save it and go to your favorite bullion dealer (online or terrestrial). With the money you save, buy yourself one monster box of silver (whatever your favorite type is) or roughly 500 ounces, mix and match in coins, rounds of varying sizes, bars, or old coins that used to be in general circulation. I recommend silver because it is roughly 4 to 5 times underpriced relative to gold. You keep the silver. Now, around the time those idiots go, you watch the whole financial system crash and burn. The dollar becomes toilet paper. And, you are instantly RICH. And I do mean rich--at fair value, this silver will be worth the equivalent of 3 1/2 million [January 2014 value] toilet papers. While everyone else is destitute because their money lost all its value, you are rich. You know everyone else had access to the same silver you had. Meanwhile, you laugh at all those who were so stupid that they went to Israel as they get stranded in Tel Aviv because no one back home is willing to work for free.
Ah! Thanks for showing me where those threads are, OneEyedJoe (I looked but apparently I am not good at the internet, haha). Reading those, and the responses here helped me to see that we are not crazy! Does anyone know when this campaign is happening?
OneEyedJoe and sylvlef - I am trying to get my thoughts together about how my husband helped me see TTATT (how he touched me, lol!). I have no way of knowing if it will help you with your wives but I really hope so. We are the only ones out. Both of our families, and ALL of our friends are still in. I'm desperate to get our families out, but I am so thankful that my husband and I have eachother. And I wish that for all of you.
He presented some of his early doubts to me (when I pushed him because I knew something was up) in a way that showed to me that he was deeply hurt by the lies. For example, when he told me about the guardian article about the UN link, he said that he had always admired the neutrality position, and he had loved digging into the Revelation book, so he was heartbroken about this. That is not to say that I responded well. I was awful. I denied it, I questioned his motives, and I sank into a deep depression.
At this point I believe he read Combatting Cult Mind Control, about a year ago. He started to bring up smaller issues over time, in a more subtle way. Like wondering out loud why the best JWs seemed to be the worst Christians (very effective because things happened often to reinforce this idea). Or pointing out the statment in the WT about "doing whatever the GB asks even if it seems crazy". Or showing me from the bible that we should really be helping other people in practical ways. I know there are many more, but I was probably too brainwashed to notice.
What REALLY made an impression was the positive things he did in this time. I knew he was intensing doubting JWs, but he didn't fly off the deep end like I was brainwashed to believe would happen. He was still kind and loving and patient. He still read the bible, and shared some nice scriptures with me occasionally (he liked to use biblehub to compare translations and he showed me Matthew 11:28-30 in the message bible where it talked about the "unforced rhythms of grace"). He helped me to see that you can still be Christian, and can still be a good person, without the GB.
At the same time, he showed me what life could be like outside of JWs. We decided that we had wasted enough time and that we were going to do some of the things we have always talked about. And we did. We went on trips, and tried new things. He assured me that he would support me if I decided to go back to school.
Also, I mentioned that I had become quite depressed. I felt like I really needed help, and medication had not helped in the past and I felt going to counselling "would reflect badly on Jehovah". So I searched and came across the book "Feeling Good" by David Burns. It taught me CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) which helped me immensely. Looking back, I think this book also really helped me to improve my critical thinking skills, in an indirect way. There's nothing weird in it. I have been recommending it to JWs who are anxious or depressed.
So my awakening happened in fits in starts. A couple months ago, it really hit me that it wasn't the truth. I sobbed. And then I decided that yes, it had to be. It was too painful to believe otherwise. I tried to double-down and go in service more. But I kept being confronted with all the things I knew. So about a month ago, I really woke up to TTATT. We went away for the weekend and I read crisis of conscience and combatting cult mind control. I felt like I was in shock. I cried a lot.
But life has been getting better and better. It's still hard but my husband said that it used to be "one step forward, and two back" and now it's the opposite. Wow, this is getting long. It feels kind of self-indulgent to write a long post about "My Journey" haha. But I have appreciated reading other peoples, and I hope it can help someone even just a little bit.
So the WTS basically want everyone to go to Israel go door to door and say
The modern day of Israel is not the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. You have no special purpose in Gods plan.
Serving in the military is wrong, even though your survival as a people depends on it.
The term Jew in the new testament actually means spirit anointed Christian in which god has chosen seven magical men in Brooklyn New York represent him.
How there is a single JW all of Israel just blows me away. But we were in the holocaust together. You went to the Ovens and we babysit the SS kids, same thing.
The only reason JW want to go to Israel is so they can hide under the guise of being evangelical Christians and spew there poison.
Thanks for sharing your story, humanperson. I haven't read many stories from spouses who learned TTATT after their mate did. It's a really delicate situation for the mate who learns it first, in order not to scare their spouse too badly with their newfound knowledge. Ultimately, though, even when the mate does everything right, I think that it's a journey each person has to make for themselves. If the religion works well enough for the other spouse that they aren't terribly unhappy, or don't see a lot of hypocrisy, then there's no reason why they're going to be willing to take in the amount of information, and process it, that can show them TTATT.
But life has been getting better and better. It's still hard but my husband said that it used to be "one step forward, and two back" and now it's the opposite. Wow, this is getting long. It feels kind of self-indulgent to write a long post about "My Journey" haha. But I have appreciated reading other peoples, and I hope it can help someone even just a little bit.
Thanks for sharing, even if it felt self-indulgent. It's always encouraging to hear success stories, and yours hits me particularly hard (in a good way). I often feel very frustrated trying to "wake up" my wife since it seems like there's never any progress, and I can see that your husband probably felt exactly the same way. I'm glad you two were able to make it out together, too many marriages are ruined by this cult.
If I might ask - how/when did your husband introduce you to CoC and Hassan's book(s)? Bringing up those books seems like a mine field - if my wife refuses to read them, she'll just make up a narrative in her mind about what they say and demonize me in the process just like JWs are trained to do.
Again, thanks for sharing your story. If nothing else, it always helps to have yet another bit of proof that I'm not alone in this struggle.