I think this is really cool. I highly doubt they will send 'noobs' into Israel ...
Campaign to Israel
by humanperson 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You're right, apognophos. It is a delicate situation. And it was incredibly stressful for my husband. I wasn't happy being a JW - I was depressed and paralyzed by guilt and fear. And STILL it took time for me to come around. You're right that in the end it is absolutely a personal decision. But I know that there was no chance I would have left without my husband's influence. I'm very hopeful that the upcoming insanity (this campaign to Israel, the complete rebranding, the doctrinal changes in the March WT, etc) will shake people up and many will leave. We can't make that decision for them. I think where we come in is showing them that there is safety and happiness and fulfillment outside of the org.
Thank you for your kind words, OneEyedJoe. I'm so sorry about your situation. I don't know how my husband (like you) did it - I can't imagine. The second I fully found out TTATT, I stopped going because it made me sick. People with spouses still in don't have that luxury. Just know that I never, ever, ever thought I would leave. And then I did. So there is hope. Another book that helped me make the decision (which you could read first - it would probably be too much for your wife at this point) is Personal Development for Smart People (worst name ever, but appeals to the ego, haha). It is kind of new agey, but framed in a secular way, if that makes any sense. The part about courage and "the path with heart" hit me really hard. But again, might be too soon for your wife.
As for the other books: My husband didn't openly bring them up. The word "cult" did not sit well with me at all, so he mostly used the term "high control group". But at this point, I was on my way out. He emailed me a link to a BITE model breakdown of mormons. It was a way for me to explore the idea sort of indirectly, even though I knew what he was doing. And I couldn't deny the similarities between mormons and JWs.
I was the one who decided to read Crisis of Conscience, before he did. I was 95% out emotionally at that point, and I just wanted to rip the bandaid off. I felt like that 5% of indecision was killing me. So I read everything I could get my hands on. I felt like I was so starved for real truth.
One factor in my leaving that I can't ignore is that we missed a ton of meetings. Although we were never really consistent, I had an injury that kept me home for a couple weeks, and then we both got really sick with colds. Maybe it was enough time for the indoctrination to wear off a little. I don't know.
thanks for sharing This ,humanperson...;)
If you want a lot of good used bricks for your garden just tell a Jew God's real name is Jehovah....
Thank you, sylvlef. I really hope your wife wakes up too!
I think an Israeli / Jew would really appreciate a latter day protestant / jehovahs Witness , telling him/her that a Catholic monk of the 13th century , taking the tetragrammatons four letters , adding a few vowels , and coming up with the name Jehovah as Gods personal name , I dont think that will go down real well. Especially when the organisation of Jehovahs witnesses acknowledges that Yahweh is probably the more correct pronunciation according to the first edition of the book "Aid To Bible Understanding "