It's a little dance. They pretend they care and we pretend we wish they called more often.
To all my congregation Elders :
by RULES & REGULATIONS 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
FREDDO: They pretend they care and we pretend we wish they called more often.
That's true.
If they were hounding us and calling us over and over and dropping by unannounced, we'd all be pissed about it. We'd claim they were stalking us.
The fact of the matter is that we THOUGHT they would be missing us and thus would hound us in an attempt to get us back. BUT................the fact is: they didn't. No calls. No visits. Nadda.
The reality is, we are hurt.
We thought we meant more to these people. We thought we were real friends and not just people that attended the same church.
Freddo said :
It's a little dance. They pretend they care and we pretend we wish they called more often.
DesirousOfChange said :
The fact of the matter is that we THOUGHT they would be missing us and thus would hound us in an attempt to get us back. BUT................the fact is: they didn't. No calls. No visits. Nadda.
That was my point! They pretend that they care on the outside but have no true love for the spiritually weak and members who don't pull their weight. The spiritually weak are a burden. They don't want them around since they would infect the congregation.
I didn't need Elders visiting me since their whole objective is to have members who tremble and shake when they walk around and have ass kissers who want to make Ministerial Servants and future Elders. They don't want my kind who no longer answer at the meetings, go out in service,miss meetings and are fence sitters. I never found an Elder who really cared about me at the meetings but showed his love when the Circuit and District Overseers showed up at my door. Go away! I had an Elder tell me how much he loved me at these visits but would never shake my hand or pretended he was busy and walked around like he never saw me.The Watchtower Society is more interested in new members who are zealous and on fire to preach and hand out books and magazines. Every time I see Witnesses walk the streets in field service I always say to myself, '' There are your new replacements. They are zealous like you were when you first started. They are doing the same job you just quit. And when these new members get tired out, there will be new members to follow. The Watchtower Society only needed me to find new members to replace those who died, dropped out and quit doing the dirty work of recruiting. "
Just seeing things from both sides. Say that the elders visited and visited. I bet we would all be complaining about all the un-welcomed visits and having to tell them to "P off." So what gives. How do they win. They are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't.
"What gives? How do they win?"
They don't. They can't. They are elders in a cult. There is no winning. The only ones who win are those who get away. Escape. Now.
If you are an elder and want to can't "win" if you are still in the JW cult. Winning is not an option.
Only we can win. We have won. We have won our minds back. The elders will always be on the losing side regardless of what they do.