did they say anything about the TV show or they just red this paper without mentioning why?
my notes from letter read at service meeting
by DB 17 Replies latest jw friends
I too just came back from hearing the letter read at the service meeting. What stuck out in my mind was there was no obvious change in policy. The statement was made that the elders did not discourage the victim from going to the police.(when does a 6 year old do that?)
There was NO mention at all regarding the parents or others in the congregation having a moral or legal responsibility to go to the authorities with allegations of abuse. Non whatsoever.The elder giving the concluding prayer referring to the allegations in the media used the trigger words 'Gods enemies' 'lying accusations' and prayed for those 'contaminated' by watching the show for having any lingering doubts to be strenghened and to avoid listening to future utterances from the froglike expressions found in revelation.
Its amazing. When the elders are motivated, they will hide in bushes with binoculars and take pictures. They will even sit in a parked car in someone’s driveway until the "target" comes home so they can "have a little chat... but when it comes to child molestation:
Elder: "Did ya’ do it?"
CM: "No."
Elder: "Ok, sorry we bothered you"Excellent point, Else. Kids don't matter as much as fornification or cigarette smoking, I guess.
Oh well. At least Jehovah is on the case. He'll take care of it. [8>]
I recorded the service meeting part tonight regarding this letter from the society. It basically consists of what has been said by everyone else here. I'm going out of town for a few days so I will not be able to put it in a computer based format just yet. Give me until Monday or Tuesday. BTW, can I have a volunteer or two to host this mp3 file once it gets ripped?
regarding parents reporting to the authorities - the letter specifically said they have the absolute right to do this even when there is only witness involved.
the letter specifically said they have the absolute right to do this even when there is only witness involved
#############thanks for the quote, it is an excellent example of how the SYSTEM WORKS
as i tell folks all the time IN PRINT THE WT OFTEN TIMES HAS EXCELLENT POLICIES , but in practice that is a whole different story
for example:
sister single parent has 4kids (sorta bad ass kids too) a 13yr girl who is growing into womanhood.
bro sick who is a 47yr old married elder is a plumber-- well sister single as to work on sat so she let the 13 yr old stay at the house to let "Trusting Bro Elder" in to fix the sink since he is giving her such a great price being a struggling single sister with kids.
well we know what happens-
now sister single is told by her 13yr old and she goes to the elders and they of course find it shocking that such a mature elder with kids and congo responisiblities would do such a thing, and if so if had to be due to that little Loose 13 yr you got at home.
bro elder denies it and she is told AIN'T NOTHING WE CAN DO SIS
we must be careful about taking bro to court (here in the hall righteous men have sat in judgment and made a theocratic decision, what do you expect of worldly judges)
and you need the mouth of 2 witnesses for the judical committe to take action,
while yes paul said all things are lawful , but not all are advantagous, do you think it will be in the best interest of your child, the congo and jah name to take this forward.
and so sister single is off to see the cops anyway ----All shit breaks loose and now it's in the papers and around the hall.
Now how do you think she is going to be treated in her hall
GREAT post, JT!
(Fark's rebuttal, too! )
I just wanted to say here that I went to the vigil in KY in support of the victims of child abuse. I am not a survivor myself. I just admire the work Bill and Barb have done and the courage of Erica, and Heather and Holly, etc., etc., and wanted to show my support.
I expected to meet many others from the board who were like me -- not victims of child abuse or rape in the congregation -- but silentlambs supporters who may have personally known JW victims. That is NOT what I found.
I found that MANY of the people from the board, while not having publicly declared themselves as such, are also victims of pedophilia within the organization. THEY HAD PERSONAL EXPERIENCE as victims. In some cases the abuse was heaped on more than one generation of JWs. (So much for the argument that 'we've had such an enormous increase in the last few years that many haven't yet put away their worldly ways and made themselves over -- gag! gag! choke! barf!!!)
Sometimes the women in these scenarios had or were living with JW males that knew of the abuse but still welcomed the [related] JW abuser into their homes!!! (Some of these pedophiles having been convicted, done jail time, and then been reinstated.)I simply cannot imagine how awful THAT must feel to the victim! I think it would be terribly difficult to see one's violent abuser at the kingdom hall as someone still in good standing and be expected to keep one's mouth shut (musn't slander now!). How perfectly awful to be expected to keep up normal family relationships in entirely ABERRANT circumstances.
For the WT Society to claim that the problem is isolated and rare and that they have 'an agressive policy' to protect JW children is a blatant lie. How can I say this?
Well, truth to tell, I was hoping for a larger crowd at the silentlambs' vigil. Some had come from far-flug places because they were going to testify at Bill Bowen's Judicial Committee as witnesses as well. But, by far, the great majority lived in three states bordering Kentucky. And believe me, there is plenty of 'this sort' of trouble in congregations in those three states alone! I was surprised ... and disheartened; once again ashamed that I had ever believed in the 'clean organization' myth. There IS trouble in paradise, you'd better believe it!
Lurkers, and those still forced to attend kingdom halls and associate socially with Jehovah's Witnesses? WATCH your children. Do NOT depend on the righteousness of your 'brothers.' Your children are NOT VALUABLE to this Society.
Appallingly hard lesson learned, in Benton Co., KY.
2 witnesses??? They just won't give it up and understand that it isn't possible under the circumstance of child molestation. That is how this stuff goes unreported in the first place it seems most of the time. oh well, Fuck them!!!
"Keeping an eye on the Watchtower deviants"