Why is Jehovah allowing his name to be disgraced?

by IslandWoman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    Jehovah's name, the very name associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is being disgraced, trampled upon as never before in the Organization's history!!

    In the past Jehovah's Witnesses have been reproached for standing up in defense of Jehovah and his word. Jehovah's name was sanctified at all costs and it appears from their history books that Jehovah was making a good name for himself by means of their integrity.

    But something changed on May 28, 2002. A man representing God's Organization, a man who looked as if he was imitating his Master the Christ, a man who bore God's name upon himself by virtue of his participation in the preaching work, was publicly exposed as a pedophile! With the knowledge and consent of the Watchtower Organization a child predator was found "handling the word of the truth aright"; representing himself to every child in the neighborhood as a man of God, a righteous individual, a man who could be trusted.

    That one scene, that one act, was a slap in the face to every sincere Witness and showed contempt for Jesus' words making them invalid!

    "Whoever receives one of such young children on the basis of my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives, not me only, but also him that sent me forth."

    "Whover stumbles one of these little ones that believe, it would be finer for him if a millstone such as is turned by an ass were put around his neck and he were actually pitched into the sea."


    "The one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him."

    Jehovah has allowed circumstances to develop that have heaped reproach upon his people and in turn upon his name. In ancient Israel when Jehovah allowed his name people to be disgraced to such an extent that reproach was brought upon his name as a result, it was because Israel had sinned greatly and Jehovah had withdrawn his support leaving them exposed to their enemies.

    This is what has happened today to the Watchtower!!

    Why Jehovah has withdrawn his support from them is for them to determine.


  • Robdar

    Island Woman,

    What a powerful message. I hope that the JW's visiting this web site will be able to cast aside their rose-colored glasses and see the truth about the organization.


  • IslandWoman


    I hope that the JW's visiting this web site will be able to cast aside their rose-colored glasses and see the truth about the organization.

    I hope so too!!!!!


  • AlanF

    Nothing whatsoever has changed, Islandwoman. Jehovah's Witnesses have never represented their namesake God, any more than the Pope has. The mere fact that they invoke the name "Jehovah" as a talisman means no more than the fact that certain African tribesmen do, having formed a weird offshoot of the JWs in the vicinity of Malawi and other countries.


  • 144thousand_and_one
    This is what has happened today to the Watchtower!!

    Why Jehovah has withdrawn his support from them is for them to determine. -- Island Woman

    Withdrawn? What makes you think Jehovah ever supported these clowns? Is it all the false predictions? The Miracle Wheat? The Judge? What?

  • IslandWoman


    What matters right now is how JWs see themselves not how WE see them!

    IMO, anyway!


  • nowaytess

    I hate to break your heart, but no edvidence that Jehovah was ever supporting these guys. These guys have brought disgrace amonst themsleves.

    I just feel the organization is getting ready to cleanse all decenters. The Dateline special is just going to be an excuse for the Governing Body to do what they have been wanting to do for a long time. Get rid of all who dare defy the Governing Body and the Watcthower leadership. I am sure they will carefully in next year lay the groundwork in justfying the disfellowhipping in a massive way. The Governing Body must lay the ground work so the rank-in-file JW will accept something so horrendus as a mass disfellowshiping all over the world.

    Let the witch hunt begin!


    How else can you justify a mass df'd all over the world in the organization?

  • IslandWoman


    The Governing Body must lay the ground work so the rank-in-file JW will accept something so horrendus as a mass disfellowshiping all over the world.

    What makes you think the GB is about to do this?


  • crawdad2

    island woman has food at the proper time.
    when i first started figuring out things weren't as they should be, i thought the organization was going apostate.

  • nowaytess

    They have been wanting to do it for a long time. Dateline special is the 911 for the Watchtower. I know many JWS saw they show, it had one of the three effects;

    1) IT is only their side of the story. There is something not being told. Basically every one in the piece is a liar or against "Jehovah and his Organization"

    2) Many know it is the Truth and will confronot to make changes. Unfortuatly they will be the ultimate price, Disfellowshipping.

    3) Paralazation. A good person with common sense and reason will now be confronted with the issue, Is the Watchtower Jehovah's Organization. I don't see the regular rank-in-file Cathloic and other denomiations defend their pedophile clergy. Even th e Pope held a confrence, even though it did not bring much change.

    All the Gb is doing is disfellowshipping the victims or those who assit them or are trying to bring about change.
    Personaly, I believe they are the False Prophet of Rev 19:20 which everyone who reads the bible is looking for.


    I feel after a good org cleansing you are going to see a new breed of JW like many have never seen before. Very millitant and listen to the org even if Bible bears it unscriputal or past all common sense.

    Wt can't contorl the internet. One threat the Internet brings is the freeflow of communication. It has cause a lot of damage long before Dateline.

    Plus many JWS can air their greivance without fear of retaliation. I don't think even the Gb relised how many disgruntled JWS are really out there.

    Let's not forget the many support groups which are now banded together because of the Internet.

    Bottom line, they need to justify what they are about to do (mass disfellowhsipping) It is going to keep the avegae rank-in-file JW not only in line but scared into obedience. Plsu with many new technologies, the JWS in headquaters can track the decneters down give order to Df at all cost.

    Many scandels about the Jehovah's Witness have been brought out via Internet. Hitler letters, Un, pedophiles are a few which the Internet has brought to light. Older memebers are not on line as much, but younger witnesses are.

    To keep new ones in line, you got to do something. Why change something that has been effective now? Disfellowshipping has been the most effective means to keep decneters in line.

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